Definitive Guide of M3U Flags/Config Options

Is anyone aware of a definitive list of all options available for M3U configuration options? I only have a rudimentary understanding of the config options and I'd like to learn more to maximize my various configurations?

I've searched through the forums and can't find a comprehensive list. The closest I've come is this:

If there's a non-channels website that explains all of this, I'm willing to do the reading? But internally or externally, it would be nice to have a single reference guide to look things up vs. navigating through the forums and trying to piecemeal the knowledge. And apologies if there is something in the forum or on the website that I missed.


That is the full list.

Thanks for the quick reply. I've found in previous posts other options that i don't fully understand. here's a M3U I created to pull from one of my other servers based on research done previously:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="xxx" tvg-id="xxx" tvg-chno="11002" tvg-logo="xxx" tvc-guide-stationid="xxx",xxx (xxx)

xxx means I've blinded the data. I don't see reference in the above list on the following items;

  • &indexed=true | Assuming options are "true" and "false"? What does the presence or absence of this flag do?
  • &resolution=576 | I know what the other value options are (720 1080, etc) but is this necessary? I see some people just adjust bitrate but no resolution adjustment. Does including the resolution impact the quality of the stream over and above what the bitrate value is?
  • &ssize=1 | No clue what this means or does?
  • &vcodec=h264 | I understand enough to know this is telling the server to transcode in h264. What other options are there to choose from? What format does it use if the vcodec flag isn't included (MPEG)?
  • What's the difference between codec and vcodec? Is there an acodec option as well?

Some of these may have been pulled from 3rd party dockers (FuboProj, EPlus, etc) so I may be applying things improperly, but since the streams flow through without an error, I am assuming these are all legitimate flags/options for CDVR?

Sorry for the basic questions. I realize many on here have a far greater grasp on this than I do, but I like to tinker and having a basic understanding of the options to choose from when creating my M3U helps me to avoid issues and/or less than optimal performance.

Thanks again.

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m3u8 is an HLS playlist. those take different variables. indexed and ssize are internal and should not be used.

if you provide resolution the video will be scaled down from its original size

acodec can be aac or mp3