Deleting a recording does nothing the first time

I have seen on multiple of my Android devices that it seems like I need to delete a recording twice before it is actually removed from my library. I will start playing back a recording, then delete it, but nothing appears to update on the screen. I can then go to Up Next and start playing back the recording again and see that it is still the same recording from before. Then when I delete it a second time, it disappears from my library.

Is this a known issue with Android clients or am I possibly doing something wrong?

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I see the same thing on my Apple TVs.It sometimes takes several tries to delete a show from the recent recording menu. I delete it and then it pops back up. Sometimes, it takes several tires.

Any comments on this from the devs?

What I have noticed is that if I navigate away from my library, then back to it, the deleted program will be gone. But if I simply delete a program and wait, the screen won't update and it still appears in my library. If I then delete it a second time, it will disappear. It seems to be an issue of the library screen not refreshing after the first delete attempt.