Denmark: Stofa cable missing/wrong logos and info

I receive my TV-signal from Stofa cable/Aalborg/Denmark and use DVR 3.2.15 / Firmware 141063BB
My problems are:
TV3 HD Danmark uses TV3 Plus logo
TV3 Puls (not Plus) misses logo and info
Kanal Nord uses logo for SF-Kanalen and wrong info
DK4 misses logo and info
TV2/Nord Salto uses logo for TV2 Norge and wrong info

And about a dozen other channels miss logos

Are the logos and data correct in the official HDHR app?

The only difference is that in the HDHR the TV3 logo is correct.

Unfortunately the guide provider we use (and SiliconDust uses) does not have very good guide data in Denmark. You can try contacting [email protected] with your HDHR device ID to see if they can fix it.

I’ll try that and report back to you.

Thank you so far.

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