Detect commercials - manual run per recording?

When I press the option to Redetect Commercials under manage, the recording listing, Option menu....nothing happens.

I have global Detect Commercials option disabled, as I do NOT want it to run on every single recording the DVR does. ( I have a family member that records a crap ton of things and since it takes time, 10 to 20 min alot for it to do its thing, it causes staggering or issues playing back recordings at times or other performance issues elsewhere, or she watches the recordings right after the finish)

Is there a way to manually trigger a Detect Commercials scan for a single recording file??? I really want to just manually run it on the programs i record and want to play back.

It is actually is working, check your logs. This is a bug in that there's no feedback given to show that it's actually doing work. This is a bug in the new manage section.

Thanks for pointing it out!

Additionally, you can see that it's detecting the commercials via the Activity pane in the Settings tab.

nope It's not working at all.....
It says "Idle" and there is nothing in the logs saying its running com cpu usage either...
im on ver:

Pretty sure you have to enable Commercial Detect globally to do that.
Wish there was a way to configure it with more granularity... disable it Globally, but override per channel/show/re-comskip or vice-versa as you say by choice.

I do know if it's enabled Globally, but not on a Show you can still re-comskip that Show's Episode, but if not enabled Globally it won't work.

Where is the User Manual for this thing? (in someone else's brain)

I always had thought that the option on the root web Ui was to enable/disable automatic Commercial detection. It should not full disable the entire ability to manualy run it per program.

It does not make any sense to have to have the automatic mode enabled globaly, and have to exclude each individual program. And that is not even possible via the client apps, as u just press the record button and it records. My family member sets new records every day, from the tv app, with out me knowing of it would run on those all the time....which is not what i want.

I really want to go in my self, via the web ui, and click on my already recorded shows, and tell the server to run commercial detect, so that, a bit later, i can watch them with the enjoyment of skipping commercials, and not having to manualy seek through them.
I could have sworn I have done this before....

I really feel like i am missing a very useful and key feature of Channels DVR, cause of other family member that just has to record every damn Soap Opera and random show a dozen times a day, and thus i have to disable the feature, as, she does not like it or use it, she wants to see the commercials or seek through them her self...but I do not for my recordings. And having her haveing to take extra steps in the app, to open advanced record options or such, is too much, too complex and should not even be necessary.

And leaving it on, as i said, has caused performance issues, especially when there is a multiple things going on at one time, like 4 recordings, 1 live and its trying to process 1hr long files etc. No point in have the cpu maxed out for so long, when the feature is disabled on the client device, cause they don't even want to make use of it.

Fixed in next build.

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Can confirm that, having the Global option disabled for Commercial Detection....I now can manually run it per show file.