DirecTV/AT&T auth changes

It sounds like what's happening is that new terms and conditions page is appearing after the login completes, which causes the Cable auth failure error.

If I can get a diagnostics after a single channel rescan, and/or a save>html of the terms/conditions page that will help.

After scan of CCP: ab059503-f269-4887-9c18-da03206e5695

I have not encountered that page. When I log in on a network's site, I am getting the new login page, with the new option to use ZenKey. But once I use my user/pass, the login page redirects as normal.

(sorry, don't know why page source can't copy, and forum will not allow an upload of .html files

I meant to file>save and email to But I received it via your diagnostics already, so thanks.

I'm looking into this, but I can't promise a quick fix. It's very hard to test. I may need to sign up for a DirecTV Stream trial tomorrow.


Totally understand. Thanks for taking the time.

Are folks experiencing this issue using "Directv" or "Directv Stream" as their source for TVE?

I've been using "Directv". Not sure what the other one is. I tried to login to "Directv Stream" and got "failed to authorize" popup with a thumbnail of the terms authorization page.

I have DirecTV, not Stream. I see the syntax error:

XML syntax error on line 1: invalid character entity &T (no semicolon)

The problem is for DirecTV (satellite), DirecTV Stream (online), and AT&T. All of them are having these issues, because they are changing how TVE authentication works on their end.

Same issues here. I'm down 63 channels using TVE-DTV (satellite). I would submit diagnostics but the channels that aren't authorized are no longer shown on the rescan page. I'm running beta 2021.12.01.0035

In the upper right is a small button that says Edit. If you click that, you will see all the channels, and can selectively rescan individual channels manually.


As a datapoint, I'm able to log into and out of a TVE service without errors from a browser. In this instance it's AMC (6086), and my log has errors from this channel.

I seem to receive the message "0070-We updated our app. Just sign out and sign back into AT&TV or AT&T Watch TV or DirecTV this one time, and you'll be all set" when tuning into said channels. Logged into my account online and no popups or T&Cs popups etc.

I upgraded to pre-release version 2021.12.01.0035. After a VERY SLOW rescan, my DirecTV TVE channels that were getting the XML Syntax error are now working.

not here. Same version as you and the three channels I got logged out of yesterday still will not authorize.

That is what previously happened with Discovery and AMC networks channels.

Like I previously said, it looks like DirecTV is changing their backend auth system, so TVE in Channels will need to be modified to work with it. And as Aman mentioned earlier in the thread, it's a non-trivial change to make, so it may be a bit.

  1. The problem is acknowledged and known
  2. It is being worked on
  3. It is not an easy fix, so it will take time
  4. Be patient

Sounds like my issue was different to everyone else's anyway but I eventually downloaded the directv app, logged in and out and have re-added it as a source in Channels and everything back to normal now except CBS for some reason.

When logging into my directv account via browser I received a terms agreement page a few days ago but haven't received it since so that may be why I'm not having the same issue at the moment (fingers crossed).

I also upgraded to pre-release version 2021.12.01.0035 and rescanned all channels. Now it's working again on all three DVRs.

Sidenote: rescanning without upgrading did not ameliorate the problem.

If you pick one of the affected channels you don’t care about and rescan just that one channel do you lose it?

I picked CMT, did a scan on just it and now get an error message.

notAuthorized: 0070-We updated our app. Just sign out and sign back into AT&T TV or AT&T WatchTV or DirecTV this one time, and you'll be all set!

I was getting that message on multiple channels too. I upgraded, completely removed my DirecTV TVE source, and re-added to do a full channel scan.

A few weird ones failed on the new full scan but I was able to just re-check those 2-3 afterwards and everything is back.

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