DirecTV Stream and single HDMI Encoder

Would it be possible to use the DTV 'Cloud DVR' through a single HDMI Encoder as a source to record from DTV? I've reached out about using multiple Osprey, AH4C and a multiport Encoder to replace my source when CableCARD goes away and that's what interests me but the thought of using maybe the 'Cloud DVR' and a less expensive Encoder could work.

Something similar as using maybe PlayOn Cloud as a source?

I have absolutely no experience coding and most conversations are truly a bit overwhelming but there seems to be a need to learn.

Being able to download recordings made on PlayOn Cloud is the result of specific support from PlayOn Cloud. Support like that from DTV, for their Cloud DVR, seems much less likely. Given that DTV kept their DVRs locked down for decades, I'd be surprised if they'd be willing (or legally able) to allow unencrypted downloads now.

PlayOn Cloud though is a nice option -- and perhaps much of what you'd record on DTV could be sourced there, since most everything ends up on the streaming services eventually these days. It's an easy way to go, both in terms of setup and hardware required.

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If you're gonna use DTV Stream's Cloud DVR, then it makes no sense to use Channels.

As for PlayOn Cloud supporting that, you'll have to reach out to them (unlikely) but you can authencate your DTV Stream account with some of the services they provide to get record some stuff over there

I don't understand that comment? Channels gives me Com-skip that I'm sure DTV doesn't.

Folks do DTV using multiple Ospreys and HDMI Encoder and my thought was maybe just the DTV DVR through an Osprey then a single Encoder. It was a thought that I guess failed, I would've thought that the DTV DVR through the Osprey would lift the encryption mentioned in the earlier post.

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There is some truth to this statement. :slightly_smiling_face:

However, it depends whether you intend to keep some recordings forever or not.
DirecTV Stream recordings expire after 9 months.

One advantage with Channels is that whatever is in your library is yours to keep forever, nobody can take that away from you. :smiley:

Another advantage with Channels, as @WVZR-1 mentioned, is comskip.
There is also virtual channels, etc.

One problem with Channels and TVE is that not all channels that you subscribe to with DirecTV Stream are available to record directly in Channels.

So I think there are reasons to keep using Channels in parallel with a live TV streaming service + PlayOn.

You can get the best of both worlds: record all channels from your subscription, transfer to Channels if you intend to keep, enjoy the Channels interface.

Speaking of the Channels interface, it didn't take very long for my wife to get used to it and really like it. If I were to tell her that I was thinking of cancelling Channels, I would fear for my life now. :laughing: