Disconnected from hdhomerun


I have been watching an OTA channel and my nvidia shield with channels client seemed to freeze. The fast forward, rewind, pause and play would do nothing. I could bring up the quick guide and navigate, change channels, changed back again and it seemed fine.

Happened a few more times. I have checked the signal on the hdhomerun quattro connect while the channel was not having an issue and the signal looks great. When the issue happened again, I went to check the signal and found nothing connected to any tuners. I have submitted a crash report. Please let me know why this is happening. I had not seen any issues using firetv, but switched to the nvidia shield yesterday

Also, I don't seem to see any issues using a tve stream (so far).

A second OTA channel is showing this issue and after freezing, this is in the hdhomerun log...

20201019-21:37:13 Tuner: tuner0 http stream ended (remote closed)


Just had the same situation happen with a tve channel, not sure if it is related. Currently I am unable to watch OTA channels.

Any help appreciated.


Any devs want to review my crash submission and take a stab at this? HDHomerun says client is disconnecting...

While you’re waiting of a dev response... at first glance this likely seems to be a network issue. How is your shield connected? Is it WiFi or wired? I don’t have a shield so I don’t k or for sure, but in the client settings in the support area, do you have a speed test option? If so it would be helpful to see those results.

For speed, I get upwards of 500Bb/s in the tool.. I have since switched to Youtube TV app since I can't seem to watch OTA though channels right now... no issues there. the live channels app built into the android tv seems to stay connected ok..

Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller? Wife is complaining about this now.

I assume you meant speed north of 500 Mbps? What kind of device is your server running on? If you only started having issues after switching to the shield that implies it could be an issue there.

Yes, shield is the new variable. My main concern is that I am encountering a bug as I have not seen the issue on my firetv. I really prefer the shield though for the storage. I was really hoping that the developers would review the crash reports and tell me what they see....even if it points elsewhere.

Kind of enjoying the YTTV interface in the meantime.... Unlimited space is pretty awesome and I can ff through commercials unlike with philo.

Have you tried changing Video Decoder to Software

I have not, will give it a shot. Why would this cause an issue for OTA but not tve?

I’m confused. Here I thought you were saying TVE was affected too?

I don't think it is happening with tve after all seems to be only OTA.

This is still happening. How can I open an official ticket?

Logs show a network problem between your shield and hdhr.

Streamer: read error: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

You can try enabling Settings > Playback -> Advanced > Tuner Sharing

Tuner Sharing is already enabled. It is happening as we speak, i am submitting diagnostics, can you please have a look to see if you can spot anything?

Sorry, didn't see your reply about a network error. I am unsure why this would only effect OTA though... TVE seems fine, watchign a recorded video seems fine.

Like I said the network issue is between the client/DVR and your HDHR. TVE doesn't use the HDHR and isn't affected.

If the HDHR and DVR NAS are not plugged into the same physical switch then they should be. Otherwise maybe you have a bad cable.

I do hear what you are saying, but i can watch the HDHR using the live channels on the same shield without a freeze. I also do not see an issue using a firestick (with the channels app). I will replace the cable from HDHR and see if it helps..

With Live channels the shield connects to the HDHR directly.

With Channels since you have tuner sharing, the shield connects to the NAS which connects to the HDHR.

If the first works then you can try turning off the shield or checking the connection between the dvr and HDHR.

Are the dvr and HDHR connected to different ports on the same physical switch or router?