Display channel name and logo

Is there a setting or method to display the name of the channel and the logo? Two-line listing?

Right now, I see the logo and channel number only. For OTA channels, the channel number is easy to recognize, but custom channel numbers are not as recognizable with just a logo.

Thanks for your help

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I'd prefer this too. You do get this on Android - you get the logo on the left then 2 lines of text on the right with channel number on line 1 and channel name on line 2.

OP is talking about the guide listing view which is identical across platforms.

I was about to request the exact same thing - it makes it almost impossible to know which channel is which unless they have proper logos (which a lot of IPTV channels or custom M3U playlists don't have).

Am I right in thinking that right now you can't see the channel name anywhere at all in the guide view? Surely there has to be some way to see the channel names - please let me know if I'm missing something.

Even if it was visible in the guide popup when playing the channel, or when viewing the TV guide information about a program, then it would really help. All they seem to have is the logo and channel number.

I've also seen other apps implement this in a really nice way where the channel name is overlaid on top of the logo when that channel is focused in the guide view.

Channels is designed for the guide data that it includes. If your third party guide data for your Custom Channels don't have logos, then that's something you'll need to resolve.

Consider ditching your third party EPG data and using the build in guide data by manually mapping your custom channels to real network channels. This will give you a much better experience in Channels. If your EPG doesn't have network logos, then it's probably missing a heck of a lot more data, which will end up making your experience in Channels pretty sub par.

I think both myself and OP do already have logos (the topic title is slightly incorrect), but are hoping to see channel names somewhere as well.

Logos alone can be very similar to one another, difficult to read or low contrast - so I do think it would be a useful addition to be able to see the channel names somewhere.

In case other people are in the same boat, one potential solution is to provide custom tvc-guide-title and tvc-guide-description attributes in your playlists. This will at least allow you to provide some textual description of what the channel is (at least in cases where you don't have EPG, like IP cameras).