Display only movies in Favorites?

Is there any way to display the upcoming movies list (Go to the web page, choose the Search tab, then the Upcoming Movies sub-tab) to be limited to ONLY my list of Favorites channels. (And for that matter various subtabs, like Recommended Shows, but the one I care about is Movies).
I live in LA and Channels DVR thinks there are approximately 10 million OTA channels available. Many of these capture only noise because they are too far away from my antenna; others are of very little interest because their content or language or whatever don't work for me. But the Movies page insists on showing every movie it can find, on every one of these channels, and this pool of mostly inappropriate or non-viewable content is therefore useless.

A Movies subtab that could be told to honor my Favorites channel would be so much more useful!

You can goto the turner interface and block those channels, but I see your point on movies

Oh snap! I never thought of that! Perfect, that'll do the job.
Thanks so much.