
I'm not sure about DistroTV, but I was able to create a custom channel for that stream. You can add it via Sources and choosing Custom Channels. Use text as an input, and paste this in. Feel free to edit the channel number to anything you want.

It won't have guide data, but it doesn't seem like this channel really needs any.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="KLPY" channel-number="4001" tvg-logo="https://i.ibb.co/822JxSK/kaloopy-logo.jpg" tvg-name="KLPY" tvc-guide-title="Kaloopy" tvc-guide-description="The California Lifestyle Channel." tvc-guide-art="https://i.ibb.co/CWGsMJQ/kaloopy-art.jpg",KLPY 

Learn more about Custom Channels in our docs:


Thank you so much, Maddox!

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Welp, as I feared, it looks like this url expired. So it would take a bit more trickery to make it work.

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This URL still works: https://dai.google.com/linear/hls/event/FK1bjW0AThepH1W7CJrByg/master.m3u8


Fofer - do you know if there's an XML for that?

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I don’t think so but this particular channel doesn’t really need it :wink:

Oh, good catch!

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Looks like this is the format for all of DistroTV's free live channels:


So for example, their Billiards TV channel, which is identified by the code mjJPjhgDTtO5nvz4IdYE-Q, is at:


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Is there a listing of channels with their respective codes?

I've got one assembled now, but don't want to run afoul of any Channels Community forum rules. @maddox, these are free, ad-supported channels Distro.tv seems to want playing everywhere. May I share the list here?

Sure, but maybe just use Gist to publish the m3u and link to it. So it’s not just on some forum.

You would even be able to link directly to the raw version of the gist to add right to Channels.


Logos added would be :sparkles: of course :grinning:

Enjoy, 166 channels:


Just added some more, the DistroTV list is now at 194 channels, with logos. Still no EPG, but lots of these "screensaver" channels don't really need guide data. There's plenty of music, music videos, and interesting ambient content to browse, watch or leave on in the background, like the Drone Channel and Quietude 4K...

Use the Raw link on that page for adding to your Channels DVR as Custom Channels. I also recommend setting up a Channel Collection so these are separate from your usual guide, and easier to browse. Narrow down to the channels you like best. Enjoy!

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So does this guide page not have an xml source ? Couldn't find it in the web inspector By the way thanks for the work!

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Check out this docker for DistroTV and guide data too. Thanks to @miibeez

The Docker runs great.
I've seen some channels don't exist but great stuff for viewing.

Also thanks to @miibeez !

Works well here, but the channel logos all seem to be dead links.

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How do you expose the CODE for the Distro TV live channels?
I am looking for the ones for Dark Matter and True Hollywood Network for two Custom Channels.