Dizquetv Channel Logos not showing IOS

I am not sure if anything changed overnight but my custom dizquetv channel logos had been showing perfectly fine until this morning.

They do populate correctly on the server/web guide however for whatever reason they are now showing as blank on IOS apps. Ipad and Iphone. Anyone else having this issue? Thoughts? Advice? Thanks

Been racking my brain trying to figure out why my channel logos stopped populating. Is there anyway I can troubleshoot this?

You could submit diagnostics from the app and contact support

Do they work on the dvr web UI in iOS Safari? There you can tap hold the image to copy url and ensure it's correct.

Yes they do populate on the web ui. And they populate from the browser url. Just nothing on the IOS app. But everything worked 2 days prior. Diagnostics just submitted through the app.

Can you copy paste one of the URLs?

So from what it seems the issue is accessing remotely wont pull the images that are stored at the local dizquetv image folder. Even though ChannelsDVR can access the dizquetv data and files locally to play remotely there is some setback with accessing the image its self.

I attempted to store the images publicly and link dizquetv to those public http web addresses but the images come back as broken in dizquetv even though they pull fine in the web browser.

Any future improvements to allow ChannelsDVR to access local image files to pull to the remote view?

For those interested the work around here for me was the following.

dizquetv utilizing hosting on internal network. I had to download the M3U from dizquetv and past as text into custom channel in ChannelsDVR.

I then had to edit the "logo" link address

I utilized https://freeimage.host/ uploaded my custom made channel logos, located the direct image link and pasted into the "logo" link address in the custom channel text in Channels DVR.

The custom logos now show up correctly locally and remotely.

The End

I know this is an old post (which thankfully didn't time out), but this VERY annoying problem persists. Not only are the Custom Channel Logos missing from iOS app but also Smart TV apps (2022 Google TV dongle, and 2023 Google TV Hisense U7).

The Channel Logos DO correctly render on the Guides produced by the Server Web Interface (Docker install), whether accessed on the same machine or another machine on the same LAN. For Safari on iOS, turns out I have too many Channels now for the iOS Safari browser to load Guide page without crashing -- took way too long (including using custom .py scripts and crontab jobs) to set those up to risk altering them for testing purposes.

On the PC, Browser Inspect shows "Broken" Logo relies on localhost in URL:

<img src="http://localhost:8092/images/uploads/PawPatrol1.png" loading="lazy" title="KidsTV1" style="max-width: 60%; max-height: 50px; margin-bottom: 5px; filter: drop-shadow(lightgray 1px 1px 1px);" class="">

While working Logo uses hard-coded IP address (which is fine).

<img src="" loading="lazy" title="Svengoolie" style="max-width: 60%; max-height: 50px; margin-bottom: 5px; filter: drop-shadow(lightgray 1px 1px 1px);" class="">

I am not aware of any UI trick in the DizqueTV UI that is available to force it to emit real IP address in URL instead of localhost reference. The hard-coded IP is for the default dizquetv.png, which I did change but that covers just one Logo image.

BTW, the Custom Logo files are verified to be there in the ../images/uploads/ folder. (These are copied there by DisqueTV Container, in response to User Input to "Upload" a given Logo image file.) And by "there," I mean a Folder on the Host that is mapped to and available via a Docker Volume defined for the DizqueTV Container.

Although DizqueTV code change could probably solve this problem (by using absolute instead of relative address), the disparate rendering behavior at different Clients (i.e., PC Browser vs. iOS App) suggests perhaps this is best addressed at (or explained by) Channels-dvr team.


Solving my own problem here, I did uncover an easy UI way to Force DizqueTV to use Absolute IP address (of where the image asset resides), instead of just using localhost. Trick is, as the very last step of Updating your Channel definition, manually replace "localhost" in the URL in the Edit Field (shown in the screenshot) with the actual IP of said localhost. When rendered on Clients, that IP address is used to correctly retrieve the Logo image.

Problem solved.