DNS Timeout

Has this been resolved? I am still having the issue.

2024/02/28 16:17:45.124326 [ERR] Failed to import PlayOn download #15040747 'Lonesome Dove/Lonesome Dove - S1E1 - Leaving.mp4': Get "https://tmsdata.fancybits.co/v1.1/programs/search?q=Lonesome+Dove&queryFields=title&entityType=show&imageSize=Lg&imageAspectTV=4x3": dial tcp: lookup tmsdata.fancybits.co: i/o timeout
2024/02/28 17:19:07.718744 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch6.1-dANY-ip192.168.1.1-remux: [mpegts @ 0x3e08ce40] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)

You're getting a timeout from your DNS Server.
Are you asking if they could add retries to Channels DVR for this case?

What does DVR Troubleshooting show (DVR web admin UI Support > Troubleshooting)

What are you running the Channels DVR Server on

Are you having any other issues with your DNS Server

All other Playon Cloud recordings download as expected. The only recordings I have trouble with are ones with a colon ":" in the title. That is why I had initially asked my question in this thread PlayOn Recordings Fail to Download. My DNS server consistently times out when trying to import recordings with a colon in the title but does not time out on any other recordings that I have found. All of the Lonesome Dove episodes have a colon after Lonesome Dove and none of them downloaded. I do not know why but I would like to know if it can be fixed.

I am running Channels on a Raspberry Pi 4. I am not having any other DNS issues.