Do Smart Rules just not work?

I'm trying to add a virtual channel to just play MST3k Season 2 episodes. It will not just let me select Season 2 for some reason, so I'm trying a smart rule. "Show name" "any" "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and "Season" "is" "2" comes up blank. However, if I leave out the show name, it shows me ALL season 2 episodes for all of my TV shows. If I add any other Show name, the query comes up empty, even if it JUST showed me all the season 2 episodes for that show. In fact, after more testing, it seems adding a Show name query to any rule seems to just mess it all up.

Anyone have a suggestion on how to make a virtual channel for just a single season of a TV show?

WTF is going on?

change show name to title

OK that worked, but that goes directly against what the support article for smart rules says:

Show Name String match the title of shows
Title String match the title of movies

Did something change after the support article was written?

okay that should say movies and episodes

Show Name is to match shows only

It's a confusing quirk of the underlying implementation

Thanks for clarifying. Just happy it's working now :+1:

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Just a heads up, Show Name was removed from the Smart Rules.

  • It was confusing.
  • It did not accomplish much as the most it could do was pull in a single Show. You're better off using the normal Content Picker for that.

There will be some fall out though. If you have any Smart Rules using this field, your Smart Rules editor will drop back to the Advanced version. Delete the name part of your query and run it, to get back to the Simple editor.