Does this work in the U.K.?

Need a decent U.K. guide/dvr with a fire tv app to combine with my U.K. silicon dust had homerun

Yes HDHomeRun + aerial is supported in the UK for FreeView

Thank you

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I've been using this in the UK for about a year now, with 3 x Fire TV Cubes and a Stick, previous Sky deserter when the pricing just got $LOL, then sick of the headache of OSMC with a TVHeadend backend... minimal moans and complaints from the 'boss' this last year.

Thanks for this endorsement. What do you use for the source Freeview signal?

I don't - I use Freesat, with a Sat>IP box... via TVHeadend. :slight_smile:

Is that complicated to setup?

TVHeadEnd can be a little awkward and take some getting used to, however I've been running it for the last 4-5 years - what it does, it does very well.

The frontend clients for TVHeadend are absolutely awful, however, so by using Channels gives me the best of both worlds.

This is a naive question, what does TV Headend do and how does it do it e.g. on a PC?

It's basically the backend only...

Tvheadend is a TV streaming server and recorder for Linux, FreeBSD and Android supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, ISDB-T, IPTV, SAT>IP and HDHomeRun as input sources.

You have to pair it with something else for the frontend, typically Kodi or OSMC although it can be done with Channels but you have to jump through some hoops.

If you're looking for something user friendly, easy to setup and manage... Channels with a fully supported device such as the HDHomeRun is what you're looking for :slight_smile:

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Totally agree (with your last sentence) :slight_smile:

Iā€™m loving Channels on my iOS devices. Got it on FireTV now (a wee bit expensive tho).

Is there any chance that the guide could have a filter for the +1hr channels on Freeview?


I use a HDHomeRun coupled with Channels DVR in the UK using Freeview. I set the main channels I wish to watch on a regular basis on each device as Favourites and set each device to start the guide on Favourites as default. If I wish to see the rarely viewed channels like the +1 ones, I change the guide to show 'All Channels'.

Was hoping for a +1 tab at the top next to HD :slight_smile:

Kinda like this!

Gotcha, that would be nice but I suspect too much work for a USA focused product. What might work is having two custom lists, so two Favourites style lists, then you can have a Main tab and a Sub-Group tab for things like +1 channels, channels you rarely watch and so on. I suspect it's a lot of work though, given the redesign of all the current clients that would be involved.

Another option would be to make the existing tabs customisable and the ability to rename them. For instance I never use the Kids tab, be nice to add my rarely used channels to that and rename it.

Maybe @tmm1 and @maddox will allow users to design skins for Channels. I like Sky Q clean inerface, which is superior to that shit used by Canal+. I understand the sky is blue, but to release a bit strain from eyes I would opt for more greenish interface.
I wish one day Channels could connect to Sky box to act as Q mini but without knowing handshaking protocols it's probbaly never happen.

How much is for Sky in UK now?