I like to surf the guide while still listening to what channel I’m watching on or even drop the video into a mini box while channel surfing,
seems like having it run in the background should be possible. i noticed some apps that will run in the background even when you go to the main app screen and only stop until you launch another app.
Is this the same as what you are wanting? If so, please vote for it…
Yes and I just upvoted. Thanks, disregard this post.
This would save me from losing progress when I accidentally go into the menus. Which happens a lot to me. I’m always accidentally hitting the wrong button with fumble fingers. Anything that doesn’t lose its place is good. Sometimes I just want to back out and see what my options are without losing my place.
No. Would prefer the current channel stay FULL SCREEN, in the background. Make it work just like PS Vue and DTV Now do when accessing the guide and menue while watching TV.