Downloading is super slow

Trying to download like I usually do before a trip and I've never seen it this slow since the feature was released. Has anything changed in the last release that would impact downloads?


What download quality did you choose? "Original" files are very large and so wireless transfers could take a long time. Depends on your WiFi speed. I found when downloading remotely in a hurry, the smaller files (1 - 4 Mbps) were just fine. Maybe your original choice got reset?


In the past this would take a few minutes. Server is showing (Transcoder Running at 7mbps: 9m5s @ 0.20x (16.87fps))

Depending on your home network speeds and file sizes, downloading original quality will be faster.

If you set it to transcode, as your settings appear, it will transcode as it downloads. Hardware transcoding mostly has a cap of about 2x. That’s 2x realtime. So a 60min video will almost always be 30 mins to download.

These options let you balance speed and storage.

Home network speeds are very fast.

I just changed it to Original and it's like it was before! Much faster!!

Thank you!!!