Downloading older pre-release versions

How can I download and run Channels DVR pre-release version 2021.08.05.0710?

Run the with DVR_VERSION= to whatever version you want to use.

Or make a new docker with that environment variable set.


Thanks. I did the docker run with the env var DVR_VERSION.

Now, when a new stable release comes out, how do I prevent this DVR from auto-updating to it.

Will the env var I set do it?

Should I edit the 2021.08.05.0710/version or 2021.08.05.0710/prerelease files to say it's a later version like 2021.12.31.2359?

Should I rename the directory from 2021.08.05.0710 to 2021.12.31.2359 and update latest link to point to it?

I guess you could change the directory to read-only or something to make the updater fail. There is no other way to make the updater ignore new stable releases.

I do plan to make a new stable soon for all the TVE fixes.

Not sure what directory to do what to since it's running in a docker container on a Synology.
channels-dvr/data needs to be rwx for channels to run.
I can't chmod the latest symbolic link (wouldn't do anything if I could).
channels-dvr is container mapped to /volume1/docker/channels-dvr-m3u.
attaching to the container and listing the dirs show (not sure who 1027 is)

# ls -l
drwxr--r--    4 1027     users         4096 Aug 10 16:21 channels-dvr
# ls -l channels-dvr                                                                                              
dr-xr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Aug 10 16:20 2021.08.05.0710                                            
drwxr-xr-x    6 root     root          4096 Aug 11 14:25 data                                                       
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            15 Aug 10 16:21 latest -> 2021.08.05.0710                                  

So, if my understanding is correct, the update will

mkdir -p channels-dvr/$version
download the runtime files to it
chmod +x channels-dvr/$version/*
ln -nsf $version channels-dvr/latest

I'm not sure how to stop that with directory permissions since it's running as root in its container?
I also think there's more to it with Synology ACL's and Synology Docker being in play.

You change your volume mounts:

... \
-v channels:/channels-dvr:ro \
-v data:/channels-dvr/data \
-v recordings:/dvr \

I'm sure you can figure out how to insert those commands into your container creation command line.

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Well I'll be... Thank You, it worked.

Secret was adding the data mount

-v data:/channels-dvr/data

Then changing channels-dvr to read-only after that

-v channels:/channels-dvr:ro \

otherwise it fails mounting to a read-only mount.

Now to see if/how it fails on updating.

You may want to familiarize yourself with Docker's options. Check out the docker run and docker volume pages.

(Of course, perusing the rest of the documentation would help, too. And a good starting place is to use man docker from your command line to start in on the supplied documentation.)

I previously spent days poring over docker docs and Synology doesn't have man pages.
With the old DSM v6 Docker you couldn't mount inside a mount like that.
I thought it wasn't going to work, but obviously the newer docker engine or DSM v7 allows it.
Thanks for the help.


2021/08/11 18:18:08.769344 [SYS] Downloading new version v2021.08.12.0054
2021/08/11 18:18:08.769527 [SYS] Error checking for update: mkdir /channels-dvr/2021.08.12.0054: read-only file system

But I'm sure others wouldn't be so happy to see that error message.

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