I think Nick was saying that DTCP2 was the only previously approved method. SD has been working with them on an alternate method which does not require DTCP2, but will instead require an active internet connection to watch encrypted channels or playback recordings.
That's great, but the idea that they wanted to use a protocol that nothing supports (and that they implemented DRM now without any device that supports it) does not bode well for future open access.
My impression from all of this is that they want it completely locked down, and I'll be surprised if it gets as "open" as Cablecard was.
This should be the gist of any FCC petition, because I doubt the FCC will force them to remove it. But the FCC completely botched a replacement for Cablecard when they had a chance because Comcast et al pushed back hard, so...
ATSC 3.0 is designed to provide secure services to the home and/or mobile user. It can use a mix of OTA and internet delivery to achieve delivery of content. They will be able to deliver all kinds of content including what we see as DRM content via over the air. They could also delivery over the air software support for appliances, cars and portable devices. I believe at some point this will provide cable alternatives to viewers. While I disagree with DRM being used on presently free channels, I think the design is excellent for furture delivery of content that is not free.
You don't need ATSC 3.0 to do anything over the internet via OTA.
A solution in search of a problem.
I just got hit with DRM
Nothing here in San Diego yet.
I'm fairly certain none of these other things will come to fruition. In the era of internet, none of this makes a whole lot of sense.
I said it months ago, this was a wolf in sheeps clothing. The goal here was to neuter the free OTA experience and satisfy the broadcast requirements in the most minimal way possible.
Nothing else makes any sense as to why they'd even want to do this. This was all a long time coming once media consolidation happened in the US. The station owners only begrudgingly support OTA as it is. I had channel that pixelated for months. There's nobody to contact, there's no support. I tried three antennas and spent countless hours troubleshooting. I gave up and 6 weeks later it magically fixed itself. It was on the station's side. Do you think that would happen with their feeds to cable providers? They are no doubt happy when the 1.0 OTA experience is less than optimal so frustrated viewers will just opt to paying. This is the biggest bait and switch in the history of broadcast television.
Not that It matters but if a channel is being broadcast for free OTA, it should be free via any means. Cable companies should not charge for it and there should be no retransmission fees charged to cable companies.
I'm not sure where you got that from, that ship sailed long ago and they have sued all the other retrans options into oblivion. Free OTA does not mean free however you want it, according to the FCC and courts.
The issue here is that free no longer means free if they encrypt and you have to buy special devices that restrict what you can do with it if you do get it for free OTA.
I know, I get it as it's been legislated and protected by congress and broadcasters etc to ensure they get paid...And by free, I mean within the local geo market.
Just like when they went all digital, they made older TV's obsolete and started shipping out digital boxes and really confused grandma...
Fun isn't it!!!!!!
Let's not forget the main point here... the airwaves belong to us, meaning U.S. citizens. What the media cartels do with it should be up to us, the U.S. citizens.
They can go elsewhere for their shareholder needs.
Yeah of course they had to DRM the 112.1 that I was recording because sometimes 12.1 is weak.
South Bend, Indiana went live with ATSC 3.0 less than a month ago. After being initially unencrypted, 2 of their 6 subchannels are encrypted already (NBC and H&I). One can only speculate how long it will take for the other major networks active on the lighthouse (CBS, FOX, PBS) to follow suit.
I am confident....very confident...that all ATSC 3.0 signals will be encrypted via DRM.
This tuner states that it will do DRM ... Silicondust better get Moving.. .
Apples and Oranges:
Will it allow the recording of ATSC 3.0 content onto an attached USB storage? Does it have DVR capabilities?
At the time of release, the box will not support USB storage or DVR capabilities, but we hope to add those capabilities in an automatic software update.
Can the box be used for multiple TVs simultaneously?
No, the TV box supports 1 TV at a time.
How many tuners does the TV Box have?
The TV Box has 1 tuner that supports both ATSC 1.0 and ATSC 3.0 NEXTGEN TV
Can we use 2 with Channels DVR for the ability of having 2 tuners available to watch content Live only?
no local streaming