DRM Protected ATSC 3.0 Channels

Yaaaayyy MY DRM Channels are gone .... No Longer DRMed




Just re-scanned, WMAR and WBAL in Baltimore market still are DRMed. :frowning:

What's the deal!?!!?!!?!

Beats me I am happy though ATSC 3.0 was the only way I could get those Channels .. had to use my Primes before due to DRM.

Be interesting to see what the reasoning is. Prob temporary :confused:

I just did a scan. Still DRM for me (Omaha market) :worried:

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It would seem that they're bound and determined to stop me from watching anything OTA--which is exactly what I'll do if they force me to watch/sit though obnoxious ads.

Since the only way I think they can make money from OTA is through getting people the opportunity to watch commercials, I don't believe they have any incentive to help you at all.

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It seems ads are the scourge of the civilized world, one could even argue this software partly exists because of it. OTA TV has always existed with ads, starting with 5 minutes per hour in the 50s and 60s, to around 20 minutes per hour now.

There's got to be a better way. The media cartels just can't be greedy about it.

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You have Streaming services Like HULU offering cheaper Packages with ADS. Prime is going to offer ADS also and you might have to pay extra for no ADS.

Heh, "offer" is very sporting of you.

Be interesting to see the difference between Freevee and Prime Video one this happens. I thought Freevee was already their "ads included" platform.

Yea, this was news last week.

I was chuckling at you referring to it as an "offer".


At the rate things are going, it's increasingly looking like HDHR will not have any DRM support until sometime deep into 2024.

Device #3 on the way

That just strikes me as so odd that any company would release a single-tuner device in this day in age. They can't be that out of touch.

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It's targeted at people who don't want to buy a new ATSC 3.0 compatible TV, but fell for the ATSC 3.0 marketing hype and want to see some 4k broadcasts.

Which said 4k broadcasts aren't even on the long-range forecast.

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Why would it need more than 1 tuner. It's just a converter box that plugs into a single TV for real time viewing. It has no recording capabilities and is not a network gateway device; it only outputs to the TV it is plugged into.