DSM6 install package

Afternoon, I'm recently subscribed and on I have explored channels by installing on my laptop, loving it so far. However long term I wan to run on a dedicated server. I have a Synology Diskstation, but its rather old and running DSM6. I have tried installing in a Docker container but it appears to beyond my technical skills.

Im going to continue poking around, but is there a package for Channels DSM server still available for DSM6?

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O.K wow. instant helpful response :slight_smile: installed and working. Thankyou.

Thank you for this! Appreciate the continued support for DSM 6 on Synology.

Just checking if there's ever been an update since or this is the last release that will still work on DSM 6?

Support for DSM 6 has been discontinued, but you can download the package if you need it. It will update to the latest version of the server.

Please note that technical support is not provided for this as it's been discontinued.