DTV Stream & AH4C 'Conversation'

I've purchased 4 DTV Osprey C71KW-400 and I'd appreciate a conversation regarding using these and an HDMI Encoder as source for Channels DVR. I've read threads and they get rather lengthy and wander a bit. It seems the AH4C is the accepted better process. For now only DTV Stream interests me for the sourcing using these Osprey.

I currently use CableCARD, a pair of HDHR3-CC with a Synology D220+. I'd like to use a W11 ThinkPad and an external drive to set this up initially and become familiar. I've been told that's possible. I am very new and just need some help. I'm wanting to prepare myself for CableCARD going away.

No problem. Do you have any specific questions?

I was looking for someone that actually is using 4 Osprey, which Encoder and how do I go about setting this up using a W11 ThinkPad. Do I need to use a docker, a portainer or something else. I've no experience with them if they're needed. The Osprey seems to park on a home screen now so how is channel selection done for the record etc. How do you do TV live with this sort of arrangement.

Could 1 Osprey and a single Encoder be used to maybe educate myself before the purchase of a multi-port Encoder?

It was very easy to acquire the Ospreys.

The connection configuration is just the 4 HDMI to the Encoder with an Ethernet to the network? Is there an 'easy' already creation that I just acquire from someone/somewhere? I just need a start to finish tutorial I guess you'd say.

Each Osprey needs to be put in Developer Mode, with USB debugging enabled. You'll need to install WSL2 and Docker Desktop on the ThinkPad.

Yes to Docker and Portainer. It's called Docker Desktop in Windows, and be sure to install the full version of Portainer, which is done from the command line in the Linux distro you'll install with WSL2.

By putting the Ospreys in developer mode, we're able to send commands to them via ADB (Android Debug Bridge) in ah4c. An advantage of the Osprey is that channels can be changed by channel number in the scripts that have been developed for ah4c.

This combination of an encoder coupled with an Osprey becomes a virtual tuner. When you tune to a channel through the CDVR guide, a request is sent to ah4c (running in a Docker container), and ah4c send the commands necessary to the Osprey to change to the correct channel. The HDMI output from the Osprey is then captured by the encoder, and sent as a stream to CDVR.

Yes, but then you're buying a single and a multi-port encoder. It's cheaper in the long run to buy the multi-port encoder from the start.

Yes, Osprey HDMI output to the encoder, and encoder to your LAN. Ospreys need to be network connected as well of course.

Doesn't exist. Maybe you could write one? :slight_smile:

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There's no chance I'll 'write' one but maybe a question at a time. Having the Ospreys, once in developer mode do I need to toggle on anything other than the USB debugging? I've done that on 2 of them and I know now how to manuever the menus. Is the parking at 'Home' something I can do from the menus or is that a later 'to do'?

No that I know of, but maybe @spammedeeper or @kprice can comment here.

Anything to do with controlling the Ospreys will be done by the ah4c scripts.

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My advice is to forget about ah4c and use nextpvr as a backend for channels dvr. nextpvr supports hdmi encoders via it's extra tuner method. It also supports hdpvr tuners natively It will also automatically generate a channels list by using schedules direct. you can use a usbuirt to control your ospray boxes. No docker/portainer needed and mostly everything you need can be accessed by the web ui. Very user friendly.

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That's a twist I wasn't expecting BUT to keep this thread related to my original question would you mind if I DM you and you maybe give me some suggested reading to 'learn'. I'm interested of course but I'd like to keep this thread discussing the AH4C. Threads here often wander and I'm trying to keep this one on the AH4C.

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It depends on what channels you watch. Since the app's API doesn't support subchannel numbering like satellite receivers do, all of the sports alternates have the same channel number as the main channel and sometimes the alternate comes first. i.e. With the mess that is RSNs people in Mavericks territory outside of Dallas will have "MAVS", FanDuel Southwest and Southwest Extra all on channel 676. And for people in the Pacific Northwest The Kraken and Blazers channels will both be on 688. It's also an issue for some national channels like MLB Network and its alternate that are both on 213 and the NFL Network and its alternate that are both on channel 212 during the preseason. During the Olympics USA and the 2 Paris Extra channels were all on 242.

It also affects some locals. i.e. in Honolulu FOX and CW are both on 2, in Fairbanks ABC and FOX are both on 2 and in Anchorage ABC and CW are both on 13.

Satellite customers using the app also have to deal with the west coast feeds for TNT, TBS, Comedy Central, BET and MTV which have the same number as the east coast feeds.

AH4C can use the dtvnow:// deeplinks to tune to the specific channel instead of doing it by number and hoping something doesn't change with the order in which they appear.

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A bit of a trip down memory lane! I used the Hauppauge HD-PVR boxes myself for many years, though I had IP control for channel changing (IR style control, like USB-UIRT, being less reliable) on the DirecTV receivers I was using as a source. In the early to mid 2010's this was an awesome solution.

As far as Docker and Portainer go, these two are a significant step forward in terms of being able to deploy a solution that can have zero effect on the host OS. Too many applications in the past were difficult (or impossible) to fully uninstall -- or be sure they were.

Not to mention various tweaks and other changes we've all made to host OSs trying to solve "issues". When using Docker-based solutions, when it's gone it's gone -- no need to track down bits, bobs and other left-behinds.

Portainer is an excellent WebUI for Docker, and ah4c has a WebUI too. The great thing about learning Docker and Portainer (which is not overly difficult), is that this opens up an entire world of containerized applications, rather than simply learning the ins-and-outs of a single application.

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feel free to pm me, however I am not an expert on nextpvr. My advice is to ask around on the nextpvr forums if you have any questions, but I will do my best.


I believe I prefer to remain commited to the AH4C inquiry that I initially requested assistance with. I appreciate the offer but if I have issues I believe the support group for the AH4C is greater.

that is entirely your choice, but keep in mind, generating an ah4c playlist can be tricky and nextpvr does it for you automatically.

That's actually already been done for the Osprey boxes. He'll only need to modify the locals, which is done using callsigns, channel numbers and Gracenote Station IDs. The IDs are easy to get with OliveTin-for-Channels, and those few changes can be made through the ah4c WebUI M3U editor.

Good morning. Have a few minutes between meetings today, so a very quick write up to confirm some of your questions. The only “setup” on the Ospreys that come to mind are:

  1. Set them each to static IP, or Static via DHCP reservation on router, so their IPs do not change.

  2. Enable developer mode and then USB debugging.

  3. Accept the ABD connection on each device when AH4C first connects.

  4. Set the wake/resume to return to last channel. This is a recent setting on the ospreys as what happens when device is woken from sleep. You don’t want it to go straight to home page on wake. I wrote about this somewhere in a forum. It is a setting in the Osprey settings.

  5. Set Osprey audio output to Stereo Only as HDMI capture do not support surround.

  6. Disable power save on Osprey, in settings.

  7. Use Ethernet as network as it is more reliable than Wi-Fi.

  8. Disable the Sports Mode in settings, and overlay that causes sports programs to show scores and stats over any sports programming.

I use AH4C with multi tuner and it’s worked well for nearly a year. Occasionally the tuning will fail if an Osprey does not come out of sleep in time. This is helped by the next tuner (Osprey) being available. It is not a bad idea to reboot the stack of ospreys every once in a while.

DirecTV pushes updates periodically. When they do you may need to re-auth your ADB keys.

Being able to tune via channel is the biggest draw with Osprey devices as then channels numbers will not change. This is in comparison to deep link URLs which may need to be updated at times.

I’m both busy and getting over recent illness so I will collab where I can. I will say the Osprey setup is worth the effort.


Is there any particular Distro of Linux that's prefered for the WSL2?

Personally, I prefer Debian -- it's amazing how many distros are Debian-based with other stuff added, that you may or may not need.

I had an interesting experience trying to Set Up a couple of my Osprey devices, I kept getting 'There's a Problem, Looks like your software couldn't properly install, visit w/an option to Restart Device. Restarted a half dozen or more times with same results.

After a lengthly conversation via CHAT w/support it was asked, how are you connected? I was using Ethernet. I was asked to use the reset button again and connect using WiFi and start over. I actually did that and unbelieveably it did the entire 'Update Procedure' again, installed and I was able to access 'Settings > menu etc and proceed w/developer mode, USB De-bugging etc.

*** I had to do this for two of them.

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Is the Orivision ZY-EH1304 considered a quality Encoder. Who knows how long CableCARD and Comcast/Xfinity will survive but I think it maybe foolish to change provider until it happens or CableCARD becomes a nuicance. If I were to purchase now retain my cable cards what other practical service could I use an Encoder and one or two of the Ospreys for.


So very odd. I have always used Ethernet. Glad it’s working.