DVR Doesn't AutoStart anymore on QNAP


I have qnap253. After recent security update of the OS, the DVR doesn't autostart anymore. There is a "exclamation mark" next to Channels which says "No Digital Signature".

How can I make DVR to auto start?


You have to go into the settings and enable untrusted apps or something like that.

Ok. I did it. But do I need to reinstall DVR again?

No, just start it from the apps list

Great! Thanks!

Any plans on getting a valid digital signature?

Error 2022-09-19 14:04:09 --- --- Web Desktop App Center App Installation [App Center] Channels DVR has an invalid digital signature. The app has stopped and cannot be installed on QTS. You can remove it in the App Center.

Qnap nas is my platform.

We're working on it. It only became possible recently and is still a complicated procedure.

The workaround for now is to change the QNAP setting to allow untrusted apps to run.

Please try this package:

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