Dvr guide doesnt match what the clients are getting

Ive added a new custom channel recently and am noticing random gaps that appear in the ios, ipados and apple tv clients.

The guide data in the server seems to look great and doesnt match the web guide in the dvr server.

I tried deleting the clients cache, i tried using both the testflight beta ios app, as well as the release ios apps.

Ive also tried redownloading guide data several times, as well as rebuilding the entire guide database.

When I initially setup this particular channel, i noticed a mix of “placeholders” and real guide data on all the clients. After deleting the custom channel, readding it with a new name, and rebuilding the database, as well as deleting the app caches, now im not seeing any placeholders, but just empty gaps.

As i mentioned, the clients dont appear to be mirroring the guide when viewed in the server interface.

I did send in a diagnostic and screenshot earlier today.

Any thoughts?

This similar to the ATV “lazy guide” thread that was fixed a long tome ago, however this is on this one specific channel.


In case someone stumbles onto to this …..

After MANY attempts, i was eventually able to solve the dvr guide to client miss-match by redownloading the guide data from a different provider in the same zip code and rebuilding the guide database. I previously did this step several times.

Along the way, what seemed to unstick the miss-match was to temporarily purposely use the manage lineup editor and choose an incorrect station, download the guide with the incorrect station. Then i changed back the custom channel mapping in manage lineup to the correct station, redownloaded the guide and then rebuilt the database.

Somewhere along the line it seemed to have corrected the missing gaps, but boy this was not intuitive at all…


lol. Oops. The guide data in the dvr server web interface had no gaps in the schedule, and didnt match the clients which had most of the guide data, but with missing gaps.

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Fortunately I haven't run across this since I don't use the clients that much.
I have seen multiple issues with guide data using custom m3u channels and TVE.
I normally Delete and recreate the guide database on the server after making any changes.

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