DVR "Recording" and "DVR" items slow to appear on iPhone and AppleTV apps

I use Channels with AppleTV and iPhone 7, and the Channels DVR software sits on a Netgear ReadyNAS. I works great, and I’ve never had any issues so far. … However, I have a snafu whenever I start the Channels app on my iPhone or AppleTV, the actual icons for the DVR “Recordings” and “DVR” do not appear. In other words, only the “On Now”, “Guide” and “Setting” icons appear on the screen. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes for them to appear–but at least they eventually always do. However, why isn’t this happening right away? On the AppleTV, I discovered a workaround–choosing a recording from the top of the AppleTV Home Page while the Channels app is selected. That “kickstarts” the DVR items to appear. …I assume this issue has something to do with my NAS drive not starting right away when the app is opened? I’m hoping there is a fix for this in the works, or is there something wrong with my setup that is causing this to happen?
Thanks in advance for your help

What model Netgear is it? Could be that the cpu is really slow and it’s struggling.

One thing you can try is opening the DVR web ui and uncheck then recheck the Bonjour option.

Thanks for the fast response.
Netgear ReadyNAS 212 - ARM Cortex A15 Quad Core Processor, 1.4GHz 2GB of RAM.
Opened the DVR web ui and I unchecked and rechecked as instructed. Seems to be better, and will keep you posted.
Thanks again.

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Just wanted to report back that app has been working perfectly on all iOS and tvOS devices since your “uncheck/recheck” suggestion. Thanks so much for the prompt response and suggestion. Keep up the great work, love the app and the DVR service.

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