DVR Recordings folders by name

Optional: It would be nice if we could have separate DVR Recordings folders by "Name".
This Name would be set up with the DVR Server Settings, creating a new folder with this Name.
When a recording is scheduled, Under "Record with Options" an Optional field for Recording Folder Name.
If you spell the name incorrectly when setting up a recording it gets rejected, OR show a list of names.
If you do not enter a Name when setting up a recording it goes to the Default folder as it does now.
When you select Recordings,
... If Optional Folder Names have been set up Then Display the folder Names to select from incl Default.
Something like that.

Sounds like a duplicate of this, no?:

For context, see here:

There’s no plans to allow special folders for each recording to be saved to. Feel free to move them manually after recording to be added via the Local Content feature.

A smart rule to simply select all recordings would be a good solution.

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