DVR Server problem Solutions for MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1

If you encounter any recording problems when upgrading a Mac running Channels DVR Server to Sequoia 15.0.1, my recent experience might help.

Having successfully run the DVR Server on my M3 iMac for several months without any issues, previously on various levels of Sonoma and more recently on Sequoia 15.0.0, the upgrade to 15.0.1 resulted in it being almost impossible to record from my HDHomeRun without a recording being interrupted. All were caused by the “after no data was received for 6s” error.

I connect the iMac using WiFi, so first tried an all Ethernet connection, but the result was still the same. Looking at the WiFi statistics in the Mac syslog at such times, it seemed that the frames for the streams being recorded were still getting to the Mac - there was no obvious reduction in the number of frames being received, so quite why they appeared not to be getting to Channels seemed a bit odd.

Anyway, having browsed various forums on the web, there seemed a common suggestion to try turning off any Mac firewall. I was using both the internal Mac Firewall and the one in Intego NetBarrier X9. Turning both off fixed the problem.

I’ve also subsequently tried switching each firewall on in turn, and it seems that the internal Mac firewall causes the problem, but the NetBarrier one doesn’t. Seems there could be an Apple bug.

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Fixed in Sequoia 15.1.

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