DVR server stopped running on Asustor Lockerstor NAS

Yes clear out the dir and then try to reinstall and restore from the backup in the Database folder

I didn't have permission to delete the folders and files in /local/AppCentral folder, but I was able to rename them. Then the Channels DVR Server did install and I was able to select the restore option. The circling arrows icon has been running for about 30 minutes so far scanning the database folder. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to select a database file. I'll let you know how that goes ... Thanks again

I found a new problem with the restore process. I can only select the path up to /Database and the program won't let me type anything in the OPEN box. And there's not a way to select the database backup folder from the drop down folder list. You click on the backup folder but nothing happens. The folder name doesn't get transferred to the OPEN box. The circling arrows come from not being able to enter the entire path on the OPEN line. The program hangs up at that point and there isn't any error message telling you that the folder/file can not be found.

I've added a screen shot of the Channels DVR Database Backup page to help explain my previous message. I hope this helps ... Thanks

You don't select the individual backups at this step.
Open the Database directory and the next step will ask you which backup to restore from.
I know, non-intuitive. Been there, done that.

It's asking what directory your backups are in, not which backup to restore.
Even just renaming the [Open] button to [Next] would let you know there's a Next step.

Like, Select the Database folder where your backups are stored and press [Next]


After you restore a backup, let it sit a few minutes as it isn't obvious what it's doing.
Then refresh the web page.
After your dvr directory and sources populate, delete and recreate the guide database.

Doing this to get screen captures and my restore didn't go well, see Panic when restoring
The DVR isn't enabled yet because Channels DVR crashed.

Well, I did that first, but it was running for over a half hour with the circling arrows and nothing was happening. There's 30 folders in the Database folder. Would it help if I eliminated some of the earlier ones?

Look at the DVR logs. Support > Logs

I already tried to find the logs after it crashed and I reinstalled the App. There were none. Take a look at my earlier messages ...

Try this in a web browser , replacing with the IP address and port of your DVR server

I'm getting the standard "This site can't be reached" statement.

Will have to see if the devs have any ideas.
If your log file doesn't exists on your NAS, you definitely have a problem with your NAS or the DVR code.
Mine just crashed, but I can view the log.

I probably would have been better off in hind sight if I hadn't tried to uninstall Channels DVR Server and reinstall it. The Movies and TV shows are all backed up, but I hate to lose the database because everything is tied to it like the images and comskip. Have you had any experience with importing? I'm dealing with 15+ TB ...

I've played around with importing since they introduced it and I would rather migrate to another platform, copy the recordings there and restore from backup than try to import everything.
See Channels Support - How do I move Channels DVR Server to a new computer?

I'm trying to decide whether it's worth moving all these files to another Channels DVR server or not. As soon as this server went down I moved all my sources to another NAS and started another Channels DVR server there. I'm thinking it might be easier just to remove Channels and use my Dune HD players to play directly from this NAS instead using the AppleTV boxes through Channels.

Inside Database make a new folder called Old, and move all but one of the backups in there. Then when you click Open on Database it should be faster.

OK, I moved the older files to the newly created "Old" folder and reran the Database Restore. The one remaining folder popped up almost immediately and showed 114 rules and 8084 recordings. The NAS is in the process of restoring ... fingers crossed. I'll let you know how that goes ... Thanks again

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The Database Restore Crashed. The Channels DVR Server stopped running after 4 hours into the restoring process and I could not restart it. I had to uninstall and reinstall the App before I could get the DVR server running again. Trying to restore the Database again - but I'm doubtful it will work ... any other ideas to try out?

Try an older backup from a couple weeks ago

It immediately started on a backup from 10/5. It's running on version 2023.09.05.0559 ... do you recommend a newer version?