DVR Server Update

Just curious - does the DVR server update itself automatically, or do I have to log into the server from time to time and check for updates?

It auto updates but I am not sure it that is the case if you are using the beta version.

The server automatically updates. If you're on a pre-release, it will not auto update to the next pre-release, but it will auto update to the next release if one is available that's newer than the pre-release.


I live on the edge so I run this on my synology daily ...

curl -XPUT

I do more or less the same and have not had issues with running the prerelease DVR.

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would be nice to have a sticky thread of a changelog for these "pre-release" updates wouldn't it eh?

As it is now, it is just a surprise when something new or different happens after update.

Thanks! Do you need a special invite to get pre-release versions?

Nope. Just click and hold the check for update button for 3 secs and you will get the latest daily "pre-release" build.


I assume you need to be using the beta though right?

No, the press-and-hold or shift-click on the button to check for updates will always check for the latest prerelease, regardless of whether you're running a prerelease or stable build.

There is no "beta" version.