DVR started recording late

Our latest image will detect if the device supports TRIM and enable it automatically.

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Thanks @tmm1 for the update. I'm going to swap some Pi's around so I can use my newest Pi(C0 stepping) and reload with the Official Image. Thanks.

Was there any progress made for adding support for the Argon M.2 case fans? Just recently switched over to one and unable to install their script. Thanks!

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@Craig_V , I'm still running Raspbian OS Lite and used the Linux Channels DVR Linux install guide. The Argon40 case has been great. Fan rarely turns on compared to my other Pi's in normal plastic cases. Would like to get back on the Official image as I like the reboot button in the UI.

As I sit here listening to the fan going full blast, I'll probably switch over to to that method of installing things. Was hoping there was an update, or word if the fan scripts would be added anytime soon.

No update yet. It's on my todo list.

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Regarding SSD trim support on the Channels Raspberry Pi image. I can see that it's running, but is it working?

systemctl status fstrim.timer

● fstrim.timer - Discard unused blocks
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.timer; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (waiting) since Thu 2023-05-11 06:13:35 PDT; 3 days ago
Until: Thu 2023-05-11 06:13:35 PDT; 3 days ago
Trigger: Mon 2023-05-15 02:00:00 PDT; 12h left
Triggers: ● fstrim.service
Docs: man:fstrim

fstrim -v /
fstrim: /: the discard operation is not supported

fstrim -v /media/DVR

Thanks for the reply. I see that it's working when using the correct parameters to point to the correct mountpoint! The output I get from that command is:

/media/DVR: 794.7 GiB (853327740928 bytes) trimmed