Hello, yes was recording three OTA all from Season Pass. Do note I've reloaded from the Channels Pi USB Image and used the Restore function to migrate to the new OS(followed the Linux install guide). It's the same Pi board but swapped out a USB3 HDD for a M.2 Sata. This is the second migration as I went from a smaller drive to a larger HDD and now to a M.2 SSD. Not overclocked either.
Using Pre-release 2021.09.23.2243
Here is the log cutout:
2021/09/27 13:32:18.043288 [DVR] Waiting 5h27m41.956737647s until next job 1632787200-21
(Note, did reboot here as I did a Apt update/upgrade for the OS: 2021/09/27 15:47:56.773691 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2021.09.23.2243 (linux-armv7l pid:558)
2021/09/27 15:47:59.191726 [DVR] Waiting 3h12m0.808300383s until next job 1632787200-21
2021/09/27 19:00:42.353351 [DVR] Starting job 1632787200-21
If my math is correct, should have started right at the top of the hour before and after the reboot; as the time adds up.
The rest of the recordings tonight all started on-time. Did not touch anything besides looking at the log in the Web interface.
2021/09/27 20:00:00.048135 [DVR] Starting job
2021/09/27 21:00:00.031941 [DVR] Starting job
@racameron, to answer your question, I did a system check after the reboot and before the late recording start, and everything was fine too:
2021/09/27 17:13:03.208357 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2021/09/27 17:13:03.576630 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2021/09/27 17:13:03.982119 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2021/09/27 17:13:03.982515 [TRS] TV Everywhere: OK
2021/09/27 17:13:03.982802 [TRS] Remote Access: OK: Remote access not configured
2021/09/27 17:13:03.984800 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
DVR and HDHR are in the same shelf same switch. The rest of the OTA and all the TVE Recordings after did start on time too.
Also we were eating so a low time for Internet usage for us. 
If my OS time was off, the DVR logs would think it's starting on-time. With the DVR listing the recordings were Delayed and starting late, that is where I'm perplexed where 41 seconds of drift came from. This is not the end of the world, just trying to understand what could have caused this. Thanks.