DVR State of the Union - September 2016

Can’t wait! The backend is still only for macOs right?

I’m really hoping to participate in the Beta test. Is there a formal application process?

From the original SOTU. No need to ask about joining the Beta. Looks pretty open since it is NOT FREE.


  • Generally available to anyone
  • Available in Fall
  • Paid
  • macOS & Linux only at first*
  • US & Canada

Our Beta will be generally available to anyone that wants to start using Channels DVR. It will cost the same as what it will cost when we’re ready to release it to the masses.

Please can I be in beta

(just joking, it all sounds great!)

is NAS in the plan? If so, what is an ETA?

A previous SOTU says that select NAS devices are a goal for the General Release in Jan 2017

I know “Fall” is a big time window, but it begins in just about 1 week. Any idea if we are likely to see the beta “Early, Early” fall, Early-fall, Mid-Fall, Late-Fall???

Fall. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Your just Evil… :smiling_imp:. Thanks. Eagerly Awaiting…


Patiently awaiting a Windows/Australia version for Channels DVR.

Fall is just two days away!!!

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Happy Fall!

Now we can start saying “any day now!”
And we can stop saying that by Dec 20th.


This might disappoint you but according to the previous SotU, when the DVR back-end launches, it will support MacOS and Linux.

There is always Parallels for what I’m looking to do. I want to use MCE Buddy to strip commercials and convert to mp4 but it only works on a pc.

Hi everyone. Sorry I’m so late to the game. I discovered the Channels app months and months ago, but balked at the price and lack of DVR. I didn’t see how it could compare with my Tablo (which is much more expensive, but has DVR, so I justified it). Well, my Tablo box broke last week and I happened to come across an old HD HomeRun that I bought years ago which got lost in a box in the basement. With a serious lack of TV options (I’m OTA only), I decided to go ahead and give Channels a try. WOW! Even without DVR functionality, it’s freakin’ amazing! Great Job, guys! And to find out that DVR is right around the corner! Comparatively, I’m now looking at Channels as being not only the best designed and functioning OTA solution, but also the cheapest! I’m so freakin’ excited about Channels DVR now. I want in on the Beta ASAP! My Tablo box has since been replaced under warranty (so, good for them), but I’m now painfully aware of how poor the interface is! I didn’t realize it until I used Channels! I’m stuck with it until Channels DVR rolls out. But when it does… sorry Tablo, there’s a new OTA leader in town!


Ok, it’s been fall for ALMOST a month… Any Updates, (DVR Beta Date), What’s coming next month (DVR Beta Date), How about a SOU for October (and the DVR Beta Date), any news on when we will be able to some DVR Beta Screen shots (DVR Beta Date), Thought about including the ability to do compression after recordings? (DVR Beta Date) Is the subliminal messaging working???


An update would certainly make us all pretty giddy. :slight_smile:


honestly, i just got to say - the new update is amazing. thanks for all your hard work, if the DVR is of the same quality I will be overjoyed.

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I’m happy to see the good reviews for the live tv app. I can’t wait for the dvr app to come out.

I just got a ATV4 to play with but I haven’t tried the app yet. I dvr almost all I watch and prefer to watch the in-progress recording if I watch real time.

one thing that I have to say about the ATV4, it reminded me of why I tend to avoid Apple products. everything works fine as long as you do things the Apple way. coming from MS and Android devices, the Apple handcuffs drive me crazy.