DVR tuner suggestions

Currently we receive our locals via IPTV but sometimes they aren’t as reliable as the national channels we get. Also we don’t get all the sub-channels available.

So thinking of adding a tuner into the mix and wondering what the best option would be for the future? Only a household of 2 people if that matters. Located in Minneapolis metro area.


Channels only Supports Silicondust HDHomeRun tuners.

They have 2 tuner and 4 tuner units.

I assume I’d want ATSC 3.0 for future proofing?

so then buy the 3.0 version :man_shrugging:

ATSC 3 isn't worth your money right now. Red banded channels can not be decrypted with HDHomeRun for the long foreseeable future. Green banded channels are IPTV delivery only. That said, if you want to buy a HDHR
HDFX-4K, let me know. I'm happy to get rid of mine.

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Be aware that ATSC 3.0 channel availability varies greatly and even when they are available, they may have DRM and this will you prevent you from using them. The situation with ATSC 3.0 is so bad that LG has stopped including ATSC 3.0 tuners in there TVs.

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I would go with the ATSC 3.0 you can still do ATSC 1.0 on all 4 tuners ... I rather buy it now than have buyer's remorse to save a few dollars. Plus on both FLEX units you can attach a USB Drive to it and have a standalone DVR.

But it is your decision to make ... you have choices.

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Only with SiliconDust's DVR; no other DVR software can access the drives attached to the tuners.

I did say Standalone.

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Looking at maybe picking up a used one from someone. Is there any reason to not go with an older model (except for ATSC 3 compatibility)?

No reason the refurb or re-used are pretty good those tuners last a long time.... I have not had one fail the only thing I had to replace on 1 unit was a power supply.

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