Easier Guide Navigation

I would like the ability to jump to future days or hours quicker in the guide on tvOS. It would also be nice to jump all the way back to the current time with a long tap or some other shortcut.

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This applies to the iOS DVR app as well.

I've been asking for this too. It's painful to scroll the guide when I want to jump next 3 days of the guide. I know a lot of people are not big fans of DirecTV Now. But their app allows easily to nevigate the next few days. Please see photo.77DF7014-EF18-47FB-89F3-B731C9C429F4

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i agree that scrubbing works per timeslot, but i would like to see a click jump by screen or by 24 hrs both directions. so if you are looking at prime-time on monday, a double click would take you to prime-time tuesday. i concur, that there should be a single action to take you back to current time, like a long press or menu.

i also must confess that i dont really use the guide that way very often, but when i do, it annoys me.

oh, and a clock :smile:

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