Easy Youtube live video Custom Channel

Youtube Live streams
Using Win 11 and a browser, I use Chrome or Firefox.
. Find a live vid like: Live Birds In 4K! Cornell Lab FeederWatch Cam at Sapsucker Woods
. Click to Play
. Right click in the body of the video, then select “Copy Video URL”
. It will look like this: https://youtu.be/x10vL6_47Dw
. Paste this into VLC: Media, Open Network Stream: https://youtu.be/x10vL6_47Dw
. Click Play
. When video is playing click the Stop Playback solid button on playback controls on the bottom ribbon


. Now right click on the Second line up at the top


. Click on “Information”
. In the Media Information box, at the bottom. Right click on “Location”, Select ALL, Copy
This is the m3u for the video, it may be a little lengthy

. Create a Custom Channel using this m3u.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing! If it works, looks like an alternative to this setup:

I tried following your instructions, but VLC on macOS doesn't seem to have that same bottom ribbon. If anyone using a Mac is able to translate these instructions, please share!

Hopefully you found something new here, but I believe the challenge is that the included token expires every 6 hours.

Yes, I saw the "expire" and the "playlist_duration/30", I have not tried it many hours later...
But they did not seem to be in an expected format like expires with a number,
and I haven't seen "playlist_duration/30" before.
How did you come up with the 6 hours?
Maybe it's a start to something that can be remedied, especially with the fantastic community we have here.
I wonder if all will have the expiration, I tried another and it has something similar.

Tools > Media Information

Once the token expires, 6 hrs after you get it, Channels DVR will give you a 403 Forbidden error.

I do see the number after "expire"
Too bad we can't just change that!!! LOL
Well it's interesting, may lead to something.

VLC also works with @channelname, Like https://www.youtube.com/@KittenAcademy/live
Besides the token url expiring in 6 hrs, it also contains your Internet IP address, so I wouldn't share it.

I would just call this an easy way to watch YouTube Live feeds in VLC.

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Yikes, I will delete this post... but can't, everyone beware.

To delete a post hit the 3 dots next to the edit/pencil button. You can delete a post from there. It’s not in the edit post part.

There is also this from Maddox

It sounds like a way to handle webcams that expire, but I can’t figure it out.
seems like it only works for two sites.
It’d be nice to have a new kind of Custom Channel that could take in the parameters.
I could be way off course here.

Webcam Resolver!!

Webcam Resolver is a tool that will return the true streaming URLs of publicly hosted webcams hosted by providers that cycle their URLs.

Some providers cycle the streaming URLs of their webcams to prevent people from directly linking to their streams. This tool will resolve the true streaming URLs of these webcams.

I’ll leave it up.
I don’t see where others have access to that ip unless they can look at my Custom Channel m3u.
I could be wrong :person_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:
And of course Google et al already know everything about me!

Did you run it in Ruby or Docker?

Just read for info.

OK. I think I'll stay with OliveTin for Channels, works for me.

Streaming Library Manager now has you covered so you don't have search out the hidden codes or worry about expiration. Check it out!

Streaming Library Manager now has you covered so you don't have search out the hidden codes
or worry about expiration.
...With this confirmation, you can then Add these details as stations of your own. You could even use the Custom selections if you know an m3u8.
...the stream is only active when you call it to watch and automatically closes out when you do. As such, there are no concerns about the stream having a timeout or expiring at some point
Trying to understand the "...worry about expiration" etc comments listed above.
So if I have an m3u with an "expires" or a token with or without "expires", or a session-id
would I enter the m3u with the expires, token etc
and this will somehow get a fresh m3u??

This is in relation to YouTube Live streams. I'm saying you don't need to do what you were describing in the original post, but could just plug the link in directly and not have to concern yourself with anything else:

(Of course, the birds flew away the second I was about to take my screen shot!)

And that's it! You can read all about it in complete detail in the links I provided above or here:


It's way too much detail to repeat in the thread, so just take a look. All your questions and then some are answered there.

Thanks. NICE! Exactly great for expiring youtubes.
What are the other Sources besides YouTube Live(...
Could it be for instance a web site that is a collection of video streams, then the non-m3u stream name URL
which likely ends with something like "live-stream" which ultimately loads the m3u.
Sorry to be so dense... always be learning.

Currently just "Custom" if you have a direct m3u8. However...
