A new Action has been added to OliveTin to allow conversion of Kister Method URLs into a locally hosted URL containing your specific IP address and token. These URLs can be updated at whatever frequency you desire, though 5 hours seems to be the correct interval:
- Latest Channels DVR server pre-release version for proper m3u parsing (v2024.12.27.0121 or later)
- Latest OliveTin for Channels version (2025.01.02 or later)
- OliveTin for Channels and Channels DVR Server must both be on the same local network
Here are the steps:
Create an M3U using the Kister Method and save it on your Portainer/Docker host in the $HOST_DIR/olivetin/data/$CHANNELS_HOST-$CHANNELS_PORT
The M3U would typically look something like this:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="yt2m3u8-@KittenAcademy" channel-number="0.1000" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvc-guide-description="If there is nothing going on, you can rewind the stream up to 12 hours to see action. -- -- Is there something we should know about? Do you have a question for us? Email us at headmaster@kitten.academy. If you want to chat with us and the other viewers, there's a 24/7 Discord chat accessible to our suppo" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="Kitten Academy Live Stream" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7vrbiDi0Tc/maxresdefault.jpg?v=d780" tvg-name="Kitten Academy",Kitten Academy
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="yt2m3u8-gCNeDWCI0vo" channel-number="0.1001" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvc-guide-description="Stay Informed: Watch Al Jazeera English Live: @Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless'. -- Reaching more than 270 million households in" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="?? Al Jazeera English | Live" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gCNeDWCI0vo/maxresdefault.jpg?v=640a78c8" tvg-name="Al Jazeera English",Al Jazeera English
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="yt2m3u8-@SkyNews" channel-number="0.1002" tvc-guide-art="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YDvsBbKfLPA/maxresdefault.jpg?v=67582ebf" tvc-guide-description="Watch Sky News live: Santa Tracker began with a child's accidental phone call to a secret US air force number ahe rest is Christmas history; The UK's oldest man has celebrated his 110th birthday with a special performance from opera singer Alfie Boe at his care home in Derbyshire; and good (and bad)" tvc-guide-placeholders="false" tvc-guide-title="Watch Sky News" tvg-logo="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YDvsBbKfLPA/maxresdefault.jpg?v=67582ebf" tvg-name="Sky News",Sky News
For convenience name the M3U the same as the Custom Channels Source you'll be creating. The Custom Channels Source would look something like this:
Note the URL to reference the file you placed in the first step would be in the form http://PORTAINER_HOST:HOST_SFS_PORT/CHANNELS_HOST-CHANNELS_PORT/m3u_name
After that you'll want to initiate the OliveTin Action using the button referenced above. Select the CDVR server you want to use (one M3U of this type per server supported), followed by the update interval (5 hours suggested based on the YouTube tokens expiring every 6 hours). Enter the name of the Custom Channels Source and the M3U name you used to finish it off:
Click Start, and you should see output like this if successful:
The Custom Channels Source and the token will both be auto updated in the interval used: