Edit Commercials consistently fails on one program

I am running the DVR on a Synology 918+ and have used the "Edit Commercials" option to adjust what ComSkip has previously detected.


I have run across one program that I cannot edit the commercials on. Other programs from the same station are all editable, but this one show (and all episodes) will not allow for the editor to launch.

It is the WISH-TV 7 AM news. Other programs, both news and non-news allow for the editing of the commercials. I do not have any other programs or stations that this occurs on.

I have tried to delete all of the episodes from the GUI, and start with a new batch: NO LUCK EDITING NEW SHOWS once they show up as a recording.

I have tried to delete all of the episodes from the GUI, and then deleting the folder that they were in on the DVR (Synology) thinking that it might have been a folder permissions thing and would be corrected once another episode was recorded: NO LUCK EDITING NEW SHOWS once they show up as a recording.

I have deleted the Pass and recreated a new one for scheduled recordings: NO LUCK EDITING NEW SHOWS once they show up as a recording.


I love the commercial skipping, and use the editing to correct the detected and non-detected commercial breaks, but this one program will not allow it to happen.

What can I do?

You should see if any diagnostic messages about this are being logged in the "Log" at my.channelsdvr.net -- it will help the developers figure out the issue.

I have seen nothing in that log: neither the failure or success of EDIT COMMERCIALS

I should also mention that I'm using Safari on an iMac for the web GUI to the DVR.

Can you check the Safari Javascript Console to see if there are any errors shown?

Does the program show any commercials detected when you watch it?

Program shows detected commercials in playback.

I do not know about the Safari Javascript Console. How do I access it?

From https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/use-the-developer-tools-in-the-develop-menu-sfri20948/mac

If you’re a web developer, the Safari Develop menu provides tools you can use to make sure your website works well with all standards-based web browsers.
If you don’t see the Develop menu in the menu bar, choose Safari > Preferences, click Advanced, then select β€œShow Develop menu in menu bar.”

You'll want to do that, then go to the "Develop" menu and choose "Show JavaScript Console".

Got it!

And here it is:

[Log] jsonpipe connecting (bundle.js, line 23)
[Log] jsonpipe connected (bundle.js, line 23)
[Log] event – {Type: "hello", Version: "2019.06.18.1537"} (bundle.js, line 23)
[Error] TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'n.Airing.Genres.join')
render β€” bundle.js:23:527423
h β€” bundle.js:43:43184
o β€” bundle.js:43:55057
i β€” bundle.js:43:55336
w β€” bundle.js:43:58279
_ β€” bundle.js:43:57822
b β€” bundle.js:43:57659
g β€” bundle.js:43:57038
f β€” bundle.js:43:56500
enqueueSetState β€” bundle.js:43:45779
setState β€” bundle.js:51:1510
(anonymous function) β€” bundle.js:23:525376
(anonymous function) β€” bundle.js:23:249801

yr (bundle.js:43:53888)
commitErrorLogging (bundle.js:43:72718)
E (bundle.js:43:59513)
w (bundle.js:43:58291)
_ (bundle.js:43:57822)
b (bundle.js:43:57659)
g (bundle.js:43:57038)
f (bundle.js:43:56500)
enqueueSetState (bundle.js:43:45779)
setState (bundle.js:51:1510)
(anonymous function) (bundle.js:23:525376)
(anonymous function) (bundle.js:23:249801)

[Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'n.Airing.Genres.join')
A (bundle.js:43:58061)
_ (bundle.js:43:57890)
b (bundle.js:43:57659)
g (bundle.js:43:57038)
f (bundle.js:43:56500)
enqueueSetState (bundle.js:43:45779)
setState (bundle.js:51:1510)
(anonymous function) (bundle.js:23:525376)
(anonymous function) (bundle.js:23:249801)

Here is the Javascript Console from a successful Edit Commercials session:

[Log] jsonpipe connecting (bundle.js, line 23)
[Log] jsonpipe connected (bundle.js, line 23)
[Log] event – {Type: "hello", Version: "2019.06.18.1537"} (bundle.js, line 23)

Thank you. This is fixed for the next DVR pre-release build, which will be ready in approximately one hour.

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Thank you!

Verified the problem is FIXED! :grin: