Edit Movie - Trailer URL "connection lost (-17)"


I've recorded a couple of movies & noticed under "edit metadata" you can add a trailer URL. Ive entered a YouTube URL into the "Trailer URL" field for Lethal Weapon 3 & when I try to play this trailer on Channels DVR app on Amazon Firestick, I get an error - "connection lost (-17)?

Channels DVR server is running on a Synology NAS, if that makes any difference?

Can you help?


The trailer URL field will only work with a link to an actual movie file (like one that ends in an .mp4 or .mov suffix.) It doesn’t work with a video embedded inside a YouTube page.

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Oh... gutted. I thought this was an option to link to YouTube etc :frowning:

Latest pre-release adds a tooltip to try to explain this:

Ok cool. Thanks.

Do you think in the future the option to add movie trailers via YouTube URLs etc will be possible?

I'd never say never, but it certainly feels unlikely, otherwise this thread would've played out differently... but in the meantime, I can say, that the embedded .mp4's and .mov's I've found freely available over on https://trailers.apple.com work quite well now in the Trailer URL field. Apple Trailers doesn't include everything YouTube does, and the interface is oddly dated, but it has a lot.

This Chrome extension is also quite useful in this context, makes it easy to identify the URL to copy and paste: Live Stream Downloader - Chrome Web Store

Thank you mate. Appreciate that.

The URL option under the edit movie metadata section seems odd to me, when you can download trailers & put them into a local folder with the movie file. I would have thought the URL option was additional / another option to having locally stored movie trailers, allowing links to YouTube, Apple video etc. That feature would be pretty good.

Normal YouTube URLs are now supported in the tvOS and iOS version as of the latest TestFlight beta. You can simply copy and paste a link to a YouTube video into a movie's Trailer URL field, and it will play back.

You will need both the latest tvOS/iOS version and the latest pre-release Channels DVR Server.

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Nice, just have to wait until the update is rolled out onto FireTV :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your support!

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