Edl file location

I use curl for windows from here

Can't really blame a person for not having a Windows machine in this day and age of forced software.

I also find it a bit strange that CDVR sorts recordings into folders based on their metadata. Traditionally, in my experience, all the recording files just end up in one directory and it's up to the software to parse the metadata and sort it in a fashion that makes sense to humans.

I have to disagree with you here I come from SageTV and always hated the fact that they put everything into one folder and that Includes Movies and TVShows.... main reason I left SageTV could not use recordings in Plex or KODI the way they were all piled in together. Have no problems with recordings from Channels DVR.

HDHomerun, Emby and Plex all separate shows by folder.

Maybe they should create a folder for every genre? TV shows, sitcoms, news, sports, movies, etc ...

Now you are being Childish.

Well, if you create a folder for everything, where exactly do you draw the line?

Since Channels does not presently allow for arbitrary recordings, it makes sense that each program is saved in a separate folder.

Perhaps when non-guide based recordings are introduced they will be placed in a separate folder with recording files named by channel rather than program name.

Do you people dare to question the dramatic opinion of a bonifide "Channels DVR New User of the Month award for July 2019" recipient?

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We did.

Well that is a huge load off my mind. Thanks!

The latest build of the DVR now has a checkbox on the web UI to enable the EDL file generation.