Enable Local Content without TVE source

I removed the Xfinity TV source for troubleshooting. I have no other sources.

With no sources the existing Local Content functionality I had went away/ is missing. I have many movies stored inside a directory.

The settings page doesn't allow you to manage it and the Amazon FireTV app doesn't let you browse it.

It'd be great if Local Content was it's own thing, separate/distinct from a source.

Could you submit diagnostics from the FireTV app under Help

This should be fixed in DVR pre-release v2021.03.22.2153. Please try updating in about 10 minutes and let me know if the apps and web UI let you access your content again.

EDIT: Oh you probably added Xfinity back by now..

yeah i already added the xfinity source and don't want to rock the boat. if i need to remove the source again, i'll give it a try