Enhancements to Your Passes

Reordering passes is difficult, particularly when you just created one, which now appears at the bottom of the list, and you want it to be at the top of the list.

I would love to see:

  1. A "Move to top" button along with the "hamburger" button on each program that moves that program to be first, except for the "Pinned" list (see next). The priority could also be a choice when creating the Pass - "Highest Priority" v. "Lowest Priority".
  2. A "Pinned" list containing shows that are not affected by the "Move to top" button or the Priority choice at creation, these have to be sorted manually, as they are today. In my house, the Pinned list would contain football passes and certain other programs.
  3. An "inactive" status indicator for passes that have not recorded anything for N time-periods (2 months, 3 years, whatever)