Doesn't appear in Calendar or Schedule.
DVR log
2025/03/05 23:15:05.220958 [DVR] Rule '10237-Strange World-Samsung' (218) found 1 new airings (1 matching)
2025/03/05 23:15:05.258726 [DVR] queued recording job for 'Strange World' Strange World/Ice Bombs", @ Thu Mar 6 4:09:25AM on ch=[10237] (1741262965-218)
2025/03/05 23:15:05.273460 [DVR] Waiting 4h54m19.726540828s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/05 23:15:49.746909 [DVR] Waiting 4h53m35.253091808s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 00:15:06.118544 [DVR] Waiting 3h54m18.881456619s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 00:15:49.603846 [DVR] Waiting 3h53m35.396155274s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 01:15:05.251288 [DVR] Waiting 2h54m19.748712708s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 01:15:48.683578 [DVR] Waiting 2h53m36.316423559s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 02:15:04.990146 [DVR] Waiting 1h54m20.009855599s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 02:15:52.202594 [DVR] Waiting 1h53m32.79740775s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 03:15:04.690034 [DVR] Waiting 54m20.309966583s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 03:15:48.666337 [DVR] Waiting 53m36.33366464s until next job 1741262965-218 Strange World
2025/03/06 04:09:25.001372 [DVR] Starting job 1741262965-218 Strange World on ch=[10237]
2025/03/06 04:09:26.787117 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-SamsungTVPlus for ch10237 InWonder
2025/03/06 04:09:26.821660 [DVR] Recording for job 1741262965-218 from M3U-SamsungTVPlus ch10237 into "TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg" for 1h2m17.998457711s
2025/03/06 04:09:27.288362 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1741262965-218
2025/03/06 04:15:04.938849 [DVR] Rule '10237-Strange World-Samsung' (218) found 4 new airings (4 matching)
2025/03/06 04:15:05.078266 [DVR] queued recording job for 'Strange World' Strange World/Ice Bombs @ Thu Mar 6 4:09:25AM on ch=[10237] (1741262965-218)
2025/03/06 04:15:05.136265 [DVR] queued recording job for 'Strange World' Strange World/Alien Sounds @ Thu Mar 6 5:10:43AM on ch=[10237] (1741266643-218)
2025/03/06 04:15:05.191159 [DVR] queued recording job for 'Strange World' Strange World/Birds @ Thu Mar 6 6:12:00AM on ch=[10237] (1741270320-218)
2025/03/06 04:15:05.248340 [DVR] queued recording job for 'Strange World' Strange World/Killer Mice @ Thu Mar 6 7:13:18AM on ch=[10237] (1741273998-218)
2025/03/06 05:12:02.885773 [SNR] Buffer statistics for "TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg": buf=0% drop=0%
2025/03/06 05:12:02.885865 [SNR] Streaming statistics for "TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg": timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2025/03/06 05:12:02.969563 [MTS] Statistics for "TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg": discontinuity_detected=7 transport_errors=0 saw_pcr=true saw_pmt=true highest_pts=3774.557333
2025/03/06 05:12:03.022537 [DVR] Finished job 1741262965-218 Strange World
MISSING FROM DVR LOG [DVR] Processing file-3048: TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg
MISSING FROM DVR LOG [DVR] Running commercial detection on file 3048 (TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg)
MISSING FROM DVR LOG [DVR] Commercial detection for Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg finished
Recorded file json
"ID": "3048",
"JobID": "1741262965-218",
"RuleID": "218",
"GroupID": "Strange World",
"Path": "TV/Strange World/Strange World Ice Bombs 2025-03-06-0409.mpg",
"CreatedAt": 1741262965,
"Duration": 0,
"Airing": {
"Source": "",
"Channel": "10237",
"Time": 1741262965,
"Duration": 3678,
"Title": "Strange World",
"EpisodeTitle": "Ice Bombs\",",
"Summary": "Alex heads to America search of a scientific explanation for the terrifying phenomenon known as Ice Bombs, which cause fear, devastation and even injury.,",
"Image": "",
"SeriesID": "Strange World",
"ProgramID": "Strange World/Ice Bombs\",",
"ContentRating": "TV-G",
"Raw": {
"xmltv": "<tv generator-info-name=\"\" generated-ts=\"1741253472\">\n<channel id=\"USBA300023G8\">\n <display-name>InWonder</display-name>\n <icon src=\"\"/>\n \t<lcn>10237</lcn>\n</channel>\n\n<programme channel=\"USBA300023G8\" start=\"20250306120925 +0000\" stop=\"20250306131043 +0000\">\n <title>Strange World</title>\n <sub-title>Ice Bombs\",</sub-title>\n <desc>Alex heads to America search of a scientific explanation for the terrifying phenomenon known as Ice Bombs, which cause fear, devastation and even injury.,</desc>\n <icon src=\"\"/>\n <rating>\n <value>TV-G</value>\n </rating>\n </programme></tv>"
"ChannelNumber": "10237",
"DeviceID": "M3U-SamsungTVPlus",
"UpdatedAt": 1741266722885,
"Version": 15,
"JobTime": 1741262965,
"JobDuration": 3738,
"HighestPTS": 339710160,
"BufferStats": {
"BufferPct": {
"Initial": 0,
"Last": 0,
"Min": 0,
"Max": 0,
"Sum": 0,
"GoodCount": 1877,
"BadCount": 0
"BufferDrop": {
"Initial": 0,
"Last": 0,
"Min": 0,
"Max": 0,
"Sum": 0,
"GoodCount": 1877,
"BadCount": 0
"Strange World/Ice Bombs": "recorded-",
"Strange World/Ice Bombs\",": "recorded-3048",
Logs have been submitted as ff92efba-766d-453b-8a21-317e54460632