Error message: “Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid”

Can you update my DNS provider as well? I am receiving the same error message. I was a previous subscriber, then went dormant, and just recently re-subscribed to Channels DVR. The error I am receiving is "Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid", and it seems like the DNS provider update will solve the issue. Thanks so much!


I'm also having this issue. Could you update mine too please? Thank you

You are already on the new provider. What error message are you seeing?

I am having the same issue too. I can access remotely on the website but not on the apps. I get an invalid SSL certificate. I have been using channels for long time. Could you update my account?


Hi, I'm getting the same error. "Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid." Can you help me please?

God bless,

Please update your DVR by clicking the dropdown icon next to Check for Update and select Prerelease. Wait about five minutes and it should be fixed.

That worked. Thanks and God bless.

I am getting 'Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid' when I run the troubleshooter.

I cannot connect to the app remotely.

Toggle remote access and try again now

It works now! Thank you!

I'm having this same issue, can you please update my DNS provider?

Remote Access
Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.


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Having the same issue. Please help.

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.

Try now?

Connected to but SSL certificate is invalid.

Please stop cross-posting to or creating different topics about this same issue.

Having the same issue.

Did you try toggling remote access?