ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

Staying with some family this weekend for Thanksgiving, and they have DirectTV, so I was able to play a bit and get TV Provider login working in the container. Checkout the README for how to enable different events :grinning:

This update also makes ESPN+ optional so you can use just your TV provider if you only have that. There might be some edge cases (I was only able to test 1 provider), but it was working fine for me as I've been testing it.


Nice! I was able to add ESPN3, SEC+, and ACCNX. Events are showing up in my guide. I'll try out a steam later today when there is a live event.

Outstanding, thank you.

I am having issues with these getting pulled into my automatic channels using the Sports category. It stopped working somewhere down the line. I don't see the "Sports" category listed in any of the shows (I just see "Live" and "New"), but do not recall if that was ever the case.

Anyone know what I am missing? TIA

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I have both a sports category and live sports category. I found it is cleaner to set up this way. Selecting live sports and adding ESPN+ as a category for smart rules pulls all of the active ESPN+ streams into the category.

Updated the container. No problems with ESPN+ content or loading the guide but was unable to get the ESPN3/other stuff working with a fios tve login. It creates about 10,000 lines of errors in the logs.

Can you verify that you have access to those events and not getting blacked out? If you get a minute can you DM me some of the logs and maybe I can figure out where it's breaking?


I am a moron. My issue was completely self inflicted. Just realized that as I was tuning things up with the automatic channels I read the "Exclude Sources" as "Include Sources". Doh. Works much better now!

how do you get espn 3 working? thanks


Add -e ESPN3=true to your docker start command


NONE of this works. I wish someone would write a clear, step-by-step tutorial for those who do not code can understand, follow, and execute. These forums are beyond frustrating for those who aren't coding savy.


sucks how this was totally ignored. for the life of me, i've combed this thread and tried at least 5 different methods and nothing works. I need a simple step-by-step tutorial with docker on an Intel mac mini. Please? anyone? many thanks

I'm using the following command line on my M1 mac mini to pull the latest code and run it successfully.
Some of the switches used have been deprecated, but only posting mine as i know it works right now.

What part is failing for you?

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8000:8000 -e START_CHANNEL=7000 -e ACCESS_URI='http://localhost:8000' -e USE_ESPN3=true -e PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" --name ESPN_Plus_latest m0ngr31/eplustv

thank you! your script was the 6th or 7th variation and on the second try it seems to be working. Thank you again.

Thank you hancox! I've been working on this for so long and FINALLY I've got this to work using your command line. Really appreciate your help!


So this is happening...


ACCESS_URI and USE_ESPN3 don't exist anymore. Use ESPN3=true instead. You shouldn't need to pass in the PATH variable either :thinking:

yeah, i know - i built my version over time, and never pruned. I'll clean it up :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your efforts on this!

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Stop toying with my emotions!

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I have authentication and playback working for FOX Sports, but I'm just fighting their terrible scheduling API to get the right information :slight_smile:


I donโ€™t mean to piss in your cheerios but what will this fox sports thing you are building will provide that channels doesnโ€™t provide?

Channels already authenticates all of the fox sports channels, will this add anything new?


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