ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

ive been trying that. delete everything, re do the container and volumes and it keeps happening with fox.

im just going to disable it, its getting annoying. i only used fox for 4k streaming and now i don't need it since channels now has it natively.

I pushed up a fix that should prevent that from happening. Should show up on Docker here pretty soon

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Confirmed, although I did have to completely delete the database, docker, etc... to get the old ones out of there.

Confirmed that Fox Sports authentication is working again. I was getting the same errors while I was testing; now it seems all good!

Not sure which part you want to expound upon? Basically, I have a Channels Collection that dynamically changes automatically so I only see sports that are "New" and "Live":

There are a couple of gaps because Channels doesn't have a category label called just "Sports" and if I change the Content Type to just "Sports" some of the TVE stations seem to get filtered out (like ESPN2 and FS1 in the example above).

But in any case, the way the programs come together I can get fun things like this:

BTN followed by ESPN followed by FS1! I know this was already discussed above in greater detail, so didn't think I needed to go into it.

I think he is referencing my post about making dedicated linear channel feeds now that the docker is pulling in programming for them. Currently a program airing live on ESPN at 6pm could be followed by programming from FS1 at 7pm on the same channel.


There is a bug with 4K events coming through FOX Sports. I will work on a solution

Would that bug result in a 404 error on the m3u?



I need some help! I am trying to get this installed in my docker on my m1 Mac Mini using the following code via terminal. When I run it, I get an invalid reference format error. What am I doing wrong?

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name espnplus-for-channels -p 8383:80 -v config_dir:/app/config -e START_CHANNEL=8000 -e MAX_RESOLUTION=UHD/HDR -e ESPN=true -e ESPN2=true -e ESPN3=true -e ESPNU=true —e SEC=true -e SECPLUS=true -e ACCN=true -e ACCNX=true -e LONGHORN=true -e FOXSPORTS=true -e NBCSPORTS=true m0ngr31/eplustv

Two dashes here, no?


You have to specify a proper config directory

You would need to post the actual exact error message copy/pasted.

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should be -p 8383:8000

Something to remember when dealing with the docker run command.
ports and volume paths to the left of the colon : apply to the device docker runs on and should be changed by you
ports and volume paths to the right of the colon : apply to the container and should not be changed

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Thank you for your help... Here is the updated code and the error:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name espnplus-for-channels -p 8383:8000 -v /Users/xx/Docker:/app/config —v -e START_CHANNEL=8000 -e MAX_RESOLUTION=UHD/HDR -e ESPN=true -e ESPN2=true -e ESPN3=true -e ESPNU=true —e SEC=true -e SECPLUS=true -e ACCN=true -e ACCNX=true -e LONGHORN=true -e FOXSPORTS=true -e NBCSPORTS=true m0ngr31/eplustv

You're using smart dashes instead of regular dashes.



—v -e START_CHANNEL=8000
don't know what this character is, but it's not a hyphen and -v is for volume mounts

—e SEC=true
don't know what this character is, but it's not a hyphen


THANK YOU ALL!! That was it (and an extra -v). It is downloading now!!

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well... I thought I had it... it downloads and starts. I authorized it the first time earlier (when it ran by chance, but the code was wrong).


When I try to add it to Channels,

I get the following error:


I tried going to that url and the two links (playlist and epg are not there).

I think your urls are formatted wrong. I could be wrong I haven't set up the latest docker yet. Try these.


I tried your suggestion (thank you for the suggestion) and I still get the error


on the m1 Mac, if I go to that url, I get:


So it seems like it isn't even generating the m3u and xml

From Docker, if I click on the red circled link, I get the localhost:8383 is empty screenshot from above

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Try using the IP address assigned to the device instead of localhost.
i.e. use or whatever it is instead of

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