ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

Doesn't seem to work with Team Pass.

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Maybe would be good to get a shell inside the container and verify outbound internet connectivity. Use the docker exec command I mentioned earlier.

Now that I have this working, I like it, but my only gripe (and this is not the Channels devs fault) is the amount of time it takes for the stream to start when tuning to a channel. It sometimes takes 20 to 30 seconds for the stream to transition from the "event will start soon" to the actual stream. It makes for a poor channel surfing experience.

It's been something like 10-20 seconds for me. I think once you think of it as "Event based" it makes it more digestible.

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Meh, I'm a channel surfer, unfortunately. It causes tension in my marriage. Lol!


Thanks for the suggestion, sorry for the basic question, but I'm not really sure how I would "poke around" to test the outbound internet connectivity. This is as far as I got:

root@augieReadyNAS:~# docker exec -it ESPN_Plus bash
pwuser@bc35c6ac4415:/app$ echo "Hello there"
Hello there

I would just type


and see if content streams back.

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Yes, I received a ton of what looks like html code. (I'm using SSH root)

Yeah so cross that off the list .. figured easy way to see if the timeout tmm1 mentioned was just some sort of connectivity problem but seems its not.

Honestly (unless it’s just me) This not worth all the trouble. I keep getting connection lost on my latest round of troubles. Started a hockey game and about 10 minutes later constant “connection lost” screens.

It has been working for me.

In addition to the 30000ms timeout in experiencing, I noticed the following warning on my log.

npm notice New major version of npm available! 7.24.2 -> 8.5.0, npm notice Changelog:,
npm notice Run npm install -g [email protected] to update!,
npm notice ,
npm ERR! signal SIGTERM,

npm version doesn't matter

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Gave this a go, but it doesn't looks like MacOS likes this at all. I symlinked chrome (hardcode with no switch is strike 1), and now it just core dumps getting to system_bus_socket

I didn’t try this on an Intel Mac, and I haven’t entirely given up, but so far running it with Docker is a no-go on an M1 Mac.

Headless Chrome crashes (GPU error) when using the default amd64 image running via QEMU and so far my attempts at rebuilding the docker image for an ARM target have failed (poor/no Chrome ARM support).

With a few tweaks the node app does run fine natively on the M1 Mac. Sometimes the stream crashes while loading and needs to be restarted though.

For those of us who have custom channels setup but not CS majors, is there a simplified guide or steps for adding this to Channels?

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I'm having some trouble getting ePlusTV to work with my MacMini Intel running MacOS 10.15.7. I'm using Docker version 4.5.

I've used some of the suggestions listed above, and I think I'm getting close. when I go to the server- localhost:8000, I get the error "404 not found".

This is the string I've used with the lastest attempt at installing ePlusTv:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v :/app/config -v :/app/tmp -e ACCESS_URI='' -e ESPN_USER=“My_User_Name” -e ESPN_PASS=“My_Password” m0ngr31/eplustv

Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!

This is a smart quote and won't work correctly.

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So change it to this?:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v :/app/config -v :/app/tmp -e ACCESS_URI='' -e ESPN_USER='My_User_Name' -e ESPN_PASS='My_Password' m0ngr31/eplustv

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Why do I keep seeing some of you using anonymous volumes for /app/config? The whole point of mapping a host directory to /app/config via -v is to make sure the data in /app/config isn’t lost. Using an anonymous volume that way as long as you start and stop the same container instance it will persist but if you ever remove it and recreate a new container the data in the anonymous volume is not going to transfer. Not sure why you aren’t just passing in a known fixed directory on the docker host.

Also for the 10th time a persistent volume for /app/tmp is not necessary.

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