ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

anyone get this working? it wont auto populate for me. thanks.

The channels won’t show there. They’re pulled in while you’re using the app based on what’s currently airing.

You can learn more here:

Also, the esplus channels probably don’t have the Live tag added. You’ll want to take that off.

i understand that they wont show there...... but its not pulling live espn+ content into the collection on the clients like you state. i was just showing how i have it setup.

took the live tag off and its still not pulling live events. what can i do to make the live events show in the colection?



They won’t have the new tag either.

I have an intel Mac. Docker image running fine.

Huh? Ok, I’ll try to reframe my question.

How do I pull in live events only into the collection like you state in your op?

I want this :point_up_2:but it’s not working.

If there is no live tag, no new tag, how did you get the above to work. Please show us how you setup the collection.


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Yeah you won’t be able to. You’d need to just use Sports.

Ok thanks. You should then delete number 1 in the op.

Thanks for all the great advice in this thread. Docker newbie here, but I have it running on the same Windows machine as the Channels server, and working well. Does anyone know how often eplustv updates the channel/guide database? Didn't see any reference to it? Daily?


The option is perfectly valid. You just can’t use tags that esplus doesn’t include. I never mentioned those tags.

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I am following this thread with much interest. I hope when a final solution is found, the admin will post the final syntax

I am brand new to Docker. In Synology DMS. I installed the Synology docker package, and the fancy beats Channels Containers. Can someone please instruct me how to proceed from here?

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There is no final syntax - how you choose to run a docker container and the variables you set are entirely dependent on your own setup. The admins were nice enough to let people know how to use the collections feature to improve the experience of using eplus - a rudimentary project some nice person did for themselves and decided to share with the world. That was the subject of this thread.

This is a great community and we all try to help one another out but this thread should not be the place to learn what docker is, what containers are, troubleshoot host incompatibilities, etc. and there definitely should not be any expectations that the channels developers themselves help people troubleshoot someone else’s application. They have enough on their plate turning around fixes for us in hours when it comes to supporting their own code.

Big thank you to channels team for everything you do and for taking the time to use eplus as an example use case of how to take advantage of collections.

I’m sure we will all keep trying to help people out but let’s leave the channels devs out of the docker and eplus support business.


Is there a way we can get Stream Link support for guide entries? It would be much simpler to open these directly in the ESPN app rather than run yet another ffmpeg in a docker container.

The links on Schedule | Watch ESPN can be converted to Stream Links by taking the uuid in them and appending it to sportscenter://x-callback-url/showWatchStream?playID=

Example: becomes sportscenter://x-callback-url/showWatchStream?playID=45f1f620-c191-4f7b-8dc1-b24c5b10edf9


Can “volleyball” and be added to the list of genres within Automatic Channels. (My fiancĂ© loves volleyball).

Volleyball has been promoted to Popular sports so it's an option now.

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Does anyone else just get these errors from ePlusTV when trying to play, anything? I’ve yet to be able to actually stream— I just get the “event will start soon” placeholder screen from ePlusTV, and nothing.

Logs from ePlusTV Container
“ There is an active event. Going to start the stream.
Getting stream for event: a4768d50-e3e9-4de7-9242-be3530d34f6e
Channel has upcoming event. Set timer to start
Channel has upcoming event. Set timer to start
Could not find stream. Has the event ended?
Failed to parse the stream
Failed to parse the stream”

Stack (compose) how I’m running it for Portainer:

version: "3.2"
image: m0ngr31/eplustv
container_name: espnplus
- ACCESS_URI= http://x.x.x.x:8055. #IP of host and desired port
- START_CHANNEL= 8000 #where you want the ESPN+ channels to start in the guide
- /volume1/docker/espnplus/config:/app/config
network_mode: bridge
- 8055:8000
restart: unless-stopped

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Thanks! Ya'll are the best!

Hey everyone! I'm the author of this little container. Happy to help as needed :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for putting this out there and welcome!

Noticed the container is built on the Microsoft playwright image which doesn’t seem to play too well outside of amd64 environments. Eplus ends up a pretty large image as well by the time it’s built and running.

Any thoughts at all of looking into an alternate base with wider architecture support?

Thanks again for all your work on this.