ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

oh boy, now that you peaked your head in here, here comes the questions/requests!!

is there a way for the stream to start quicker? right now, it takes about a minute on the Event will start soon screen before the stream plays. sometimes channels will display connection lost and going back to it will start playing.

can you add more tags to the xml? @maddox says that they should appear in the collection just by using sports category but that doesn't work for me (no idea why). maybe more tags would help?

sometimes when i try to start a stream on what looks like close to the end of the game on the guide, the "Event will start soon" screen appears like always but it stays there. when i go to the container logs, it says the event is finished. no indication on the tv screen that the stream ended.

thanks for the great project.

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We concluded because you were using the NEW and LIVE tags. Since the airings dont' have those tags, they don't show up. The tags you add in Automatic Channels are "AND" not "OR".

Regardless, the tags were added this morning:


T I took those out and it doesn’t work for me., that’s why I posted. Didn’t know about the update. I’ll check it out.


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Yeah, the container is kind of a pain. The reason it's so big is that it requires full blown Chrome to be baked in. Chromium/Firefox won't work by default because it requires DRM support to be able to get the stream to start so I can pull out the HLS stream.

If I could figure out a reliable way to get around the weird Adobe auth stuff they are using for their APIs I could make this a lot simpler and probably just use a simple Alpine container.

From my experiments, it usually takes about 15-20 seconds for a stream to start, BUT due to the nature of how I'm doing the 'Event will start soon' slate, sometimes the m3u8 gets a little confused and never kicks over. That will require some more work on my part to make it more reliable. Sometimes it breaks the stream (VLC, Kodi), Channels seems to handle it a little better. Sometimes you have to back out and start the channel again to get it to appear.

Definitely not ideal (especially for channel surfers). The issue is that the container has to open Chrome, load the URL for the game, wait for the page to load, log in, wait for the stream to start, parse out the stream, and then hand off to ffmpeg for it to create an a new stream.

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Docker newbie here. Is there a way to go back and set the starting channel # after the fact?



Couple of reasons why it might not be able to load the stream that I've seen:

  • Bad credentials so it can't login
  • Regional blackout of the event
  • Maybe there is a concurrent stream limit from ESPN+ if you are watching other streams? (I haven't tested this yet)
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Hi m0ngr31, a pleasure to see you here in this community! I posted a number of times earlier in this thread but gave up trying as i had no solution. Do you have any idea why I'm getting a Timeout 30000ms exceeded error every time i try? I am using a ReadyNas Pro 4 for my Docker installation.

I haven't seen that one before. I'm curious what your settings for the container look like?

I wish I could figure it out. I'm pretty sure the username/password is correct, and i can duplicate this on any of the actively playing channels so I'd rule out blackouts. Is there any way to enable more verbose logging to see what the error might be?

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Is there a place that i can go to answer your question regarding what my container settings are? I am using Portainer and i see some Advanced Container Settings when i click on Duplicate/Edit. Would providing any of these details listed under any of these tabs be helpful to you?

  • Command
  • Volumes
  • Network
  • Env
  • Labels
  • Restart policy
  • Runtime & Resources

Does the container check periodically to add new events?

There's a hockey game on Tuesday night that i would like to record using Channels somehow. Even though i cannot get this Docker running, is there any other way that i can log into espn+ and somehow record it into Channels? I hate the ESPN interface, because i never watch live and i always seem to have the game spoiled by seeing the score or the timeline jumps on me, it's awful

In my past experience espn+ has always had the games on demand after they air… did they stop doing that?

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Yes, but it's impossible to find sometimes without stumbling into some highlights from the game or seeing the actual score displayed. Also, the timeline is all weird, where the game sometimes starts at 1 hour or so into the timeline, but if you pause the game and resume it later on, it sometimes jumps ahead in the game. I wish there was a way to simply record it again in Channels, as it behaves the way i expect

If its just one game every so often and you absolutely feel like you must have it recorded in channels - I have had luck using some of the various "unofficial" nhl streaming sites, pulling up the feed at game time, finding the m3u8 link in my browser, and setting up a one time use custom channel just for that game and recording it. Then I just get rid of the channel. Its a few clicks and some cut and paste - definitely a manual process but can be done in a pinch.


I'm curious what volumes you have mounted.

@m0ngr31 I hope these screenshots are helpful:

Has anyone gotten this to work on Android or Android TV? The category listings show up for me on iOS and tvOS, but Android always shows "No channels are currently playing anything in this category. Try another one."