ESPN+ & FOX Sports with Custom Channels via EPlusTV

I haven't watched any 4K content here in a while but I assume it should still be working the same. I don't think Disney is shutting down ESPN. At least I didn't see that mentioned in any articles. It shouldn't affect Fox any.

I used to have this working with my old NAS, but I upgraded to a new one, and I've run this stack successfully from within OliveTin, but it won't play any streams in Channels It loads the guide and everything, but clicking takes me to the dreaded "Straming to the tuner failed. Press play to try again M3U: EPlusTV: Error getting content". I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong or what's different. Here's my log output if anyone can take a look and suggest what might be going wrong:

      method: 'post',
      url: '',
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    request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {
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    data: { error: 'invalid_grant', error_description: 'expired-token' }
=== Getting events ===
Looking for ESPN+ events...
Looking for Paramount+ events...
=== Done getting events ===
=== Building the schedule ===
=== Done building the schedule ===
=== Starting Server ===
Server started on port 8000```

Its is telling you why :slight_smile:

Did you migrate the data directory over when you upgraded your nas? If so delete the contents and restart the continer. You will have to auth to the provider again just like it was a new setup

Thanks... I actually managed to copy my setup (one that still required the ESPN user/pass which I'm not seeing under the way OliveTin installs it). Once I did that, it loaded up no problem.

Sorry for the rookie question, but I'm at my wit's end. I installed Docker Desktop on my M1 Mac mini, ran the EPlus docker command verbatim from GitHub, and signed in to my ESPN+ account when prompted. Everything seemed to load correctly in docker, with several live events populating, but I can't get it to load into Channels.

The docker Gateway is and the docker IP Address is On the Channels Server Status page, under "NET" it shows 2 interfaces at and

I tried creating a custom channel with the Stream Format set to HLS and the Source set to URL, with the following urls and guide data:

But I get the following error messages:

invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

invalid source url: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout

I've read through much of this forum, but can't find a solution. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

You have to setup port mappings on the docker and use the IP of the Mac itself

Can you walk me through those steps? Sorry, but I'm totally new to docker. When I go into System Setting, Network on my Mac it shows its IP Address as

The docker command typically has a -p 8000:8000 which is what would make work

Okay, so the EPlus docker is already running. I started it by copying and pasting the start command from GitHub. Do I need to stop it, and restart it with the right command, or can I just add that variable while it's running?

If I need an entirely new start command, can you please spell it out in full. Sorry again for being dumb.

No, what he is saying is that it should work when making the custom source with theses URL’s

If those don’t work the problem is elsewhere. Since you are new to docker I highly suggest installing “portainer” to help you visualize what is going on in docker. It is a container you install just like you installed the espn container. It makes it easier to see logs and state and environment variables ect.

I just pushed an update that adds support for B1G+


Sorry for the super newbie question. First, thanks for an awesome project. I have been using it via docker for sometime. I simply want to turn on the other options like Fox, Espnews, etc. I have tried this command line which seems to work but I don't see the added channels. Is there another way to edit the config file?

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config m0ngr31/eplustv -e ESPN=TRUE -e ESPN2=TRUE -e ESPN3=TRUE -e ESPNU=TRUE -e SEC=TRUE -e SECPLUS=TRUE -e ESPNPLUS=TRUE -e FOXSPORTS=TRUE -e ESPNEWS=TRUE -e

I'm sure it's a simple task. I am very new to docker.

You just need to put the m0ngr31/eplustv part at the very end. And you have a trailing -e that needs to be removed

I loaded the new docker with BigTen Plus. The ESPN+, BigTen(normal channel), and FS1 is all working. On the BigTen+ channels I am getting an "Error getting content" on the screen.

Just curious if it has anything to do with go live.

When I log into my account I am prompted with this. Just a thought.

Thank you. I tried this morning and got an error. Probably a typo. It is working now. Well, almost.
It is pulling the events for ESPN and Fox Sports etc.. I see that in terminal. I am using Tivimate. When I go and update my playlist, I don't see ESPN and Fox Sports, etc... I see all of the ESPN+ channels still. The EPG is populated correctly for those channels.

What do your logs say?

@m0ngr31 any thoughts on nfl+? looks like some people talked about it last year elsewhere when it was brand new.

$7 a month to get live local games and primetime games on mobile only, and $15 gets you that and redzone which can be watched on your tv or in the browser. Also has full game replays on the web (edit: which says its available shortly after the games ends. It you can avoid spoilers this could basically be like your dvr.) not sure how eplus works and if it would work with the mobile only stuff or just the web stuff. not fully sunday ticket but literally like 1/10th the cost

Is there anyway to turn on verbose logging? All I have in the log is:

2024/09/06 13:32:28.528283 [ERR] Could not start stream for M3U-ESPNPlus ch813 EPlusTV 813: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from GET: 404 Not Found

That's saying that it couldn't find anything for that channel. Are you doing custom number mapping?

I'd be willing to look at it if I can get someone to let me borrow their credentials