I’m using Windows 10 with Directv. Worked fine for several weeks. Starting Monday, every ESPN recording fails after 13 minutes. Recording from CNN and other channels still working fine. Any ideas?
Fail how and with what error message?
The 1 hour recording ends with 47 minutes not recorded. No error messages
Please click Help > Submit Diagnostics
Logs have been submitted as 9850d4c3-3c31-4ffe-90e7-45ec2803f266
Please click and hold on the Check for Updates button.
Then after the upgrade make a new recording from ESPN, and afterwards click View Details for that recording on the web UI and post a screenshot of what it shows
OK. Where do you get the “View Details”?
On the web UI, go to Recordings click into the show and then click the gear icon under the episode
Seems to be recording correctly. When I click on the gear, the only 2 options I see are Mark as Watched or Delete.
Click the More icon on the left and find it in the detailed list of recorded episodes
Can you submit diagnostics again so we can see what happened with that new recording?
Also in that same menu with View Details, there is a View Recording Log. Can you file>save and email that to support@getchannels.com
Was any of the info provided useful?
The recording logs shows it continued receiving data for the full hour, so its weird the file is truncated. Do you have plenty of space on your C: drive?
Could you press-and-hold on the Check For Updates button in the Settings page of your DVR and then submit another Diagnostic Log? We have a bit more info in the latest pre-release that could be helpful.
Logs have been submitted as *ec470a43-5e01-4f03-b3b5-01ab1e422590
Plenty of space and other channels record completely.
I'm seeing that it was taking over 2 minutes to download each 3MB segment from the ESPN servers. That suggests there's an issue with your ISP, network or server. Are you running a VPN on custom DNS server?
Could you run:
tracert x-live-espn-stgec.uplynk.com
and paste the results here?