Excessive scrubbing crashes to ATV home screen

Server: 2020.07.24.2119
App: 7.25.30

I have a user that has already set the skip forward/back to 10 seconds and has now picked up the habit of using scrub instead of skip (doesn't like the ATV Siri Remote's "inaccuracy" of detecting side clicks.) They scrub back to get to a scene previous in a show and overshoot the target so they immediately scrub forward, and overshoot the target. So it's back to scrubbing back, rinse and repeat. The app is diligently trying to display a preview of the time at the marker but by the time the preview is rendered the user has already scrubbed somewhere else. This leads to lockup and eventually the app crashes out to the ATV home screen.

Unfortunately the tech support answer of "Well, don't do that." is not an acceptable response for this user.

Sorry I don’t have a solution for you but curious to know, which model AppleTV is this happening on, and is it connected by WiFi or Ethernet?

That one is a 4K 64G model. WiFi.

They just showed me again and I see it went to a green screen, found they were using the Experimental rendering engine so I've moved it back to default.

Edit: Is there a way to pull previous client logs? I'm using the host:57000/logs endpoint and it seems that is the logs from the most current restart. I'd like to be able to look at the logs from the crash even after the client app is restarted.

Edit2: Debug logs uploaded, same username as this account. The video was in green but the audio would play correctly. Lots of seeking going on.